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商务英语专业商务文员实训项目单4课程名称商务文员实训项目名称商务文员的拟文工作(3)任务名称商务报告指导教师刘昶实训地点236教室实训时间第 18 周星期 二 第 1节实训目的通过实训使学生熟练掌握商务报告的写作技巧,能独立撰写商务报告。内容:一、实训目标能力目标能用正确的商务通用语言撰写可行性报告(Feasibility Report);能用正确的商务通用语言撰写调查报告(Investigative Report);能在商务报告中有效地提供信息、分析归纳以及提出建议。知识目标掌握英文商务报告的构成部分;掌握英文商务报告的常用句子;掌握不同商务报告的种类及区别。素质目标掌握不同商务情境下商务报告的用词、语气;培养书面报告撰写过程中的不卑不亢、有礼有节的素养;增强学生的商务英文写作能力,培养学生的职业岗位技能。二、实训角色在本实训项目中,学生将要体会的角色如下:Qiu Xiaoyun, the secretary of General Manager;RachelBill Tom, Research Department三、实训任务及过程Tak 1 Write a report Human Resources Department of Zhejiang Sunshine Cashmere Co., Ltd. is planning to practice flextime system in the company. Mr. Jiang, the General Manager, asked Qiu Xiaoyun to collect the staff’s opinions on the new working time system and write a report to him. Suppose you are Miss Qiu, how could you collect the information and what would you write in your report?Task2Write a proposal report Direction:Draft a proposal report according to the following information:此报告就是否购买凯乐格公司(Kellogg Company)股票提出个人建议供有关人员进行投资决策时参考;凯乐格公司是一家从事食品生意在国内市场居领先地位的跨国公司,现在在开发新产品以满足各种不同的营养需求和不同的顾客个人爱好;该公司现拥有42%的市场份额,并仍在通过广告攻势扩大市场份额;尽管公司仍以谷类食物为主,但正谨慎地实施着产品多样化的计划,包括冷冻食品;2003年公司的销售额增长了约16%,达45亿美元,而上一年则为37.8亿美元,这已是连续36年的销售增长。利润增长了约14%,达到3.48亿美元,而前一年为2.89亿美元;由此可见,公司的财政状况是非常好的,销售额和利润均多年连续增长;购买该公司的股票将是十分明智的投资决策。Task3 Write aJustification ReportSituation: Your manager asks you to write a justification report about why Ghostwriters Inc. has had a decline in profit from advertising sales in the past few years. You can refer to the form given. 四、实训小贴士Tips on Rules for Writing Memos五、相关知识【English】1.The definition of a short formal reportA short formal report is used to document the results of an experiment, a design, or to pass on any type of information in a formal style. When writing a short formal report, it is important to ensure good English use and to follow the correct format. A short formal report that has been done correctly will leave the reader understanding what has been done, why it was done, and the


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