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Unit 9 Sentence Understanding S1: A special glamor is attached to everything (connected with it)—its arias, singers and roles, [not to mention its opening nights]. ? ? 歌剧的独特魅力在于其构成因素—咏叹调、歌唱家以及他们所扮演的角色,更别提(特别是)歌剧的首映夜。 S2: what characters in fact or fiction can claim, generation after generation, so constant a public? ? ? 在现实和故事中,什么样的人物能拥有着一代又一代忠实的观众呢? S3: It combines the resources of vocal and instrumental music—soloists, ensembles, chorus, orchestra and ballet with poetry and drama, acting and pantomime, scenery and costumes. ? ? 它(歌剧)将声乐和器乐的各种手法——独唱、合奏,合唱团、乐队、芭蕾等——与多种艺术结合起来,包括诗歌、戏剧、表演、哑剧、舞台场景和戏装等。 S4: To combine the diverse elements into a unity is a problem (that has exercises some of the best minds in the history of music). ? ? 如何将多种元素融为一体曾一直困扰者音乐史上的精英们。(注:但歌剧解决了这个问题) S5: At first glance opera would seem to make impossible demands on the credulity of the spectators. ? ? 乍一看,歌剧似乎不太可能让观众那么轻易地接纳。 S6: It presents us with human beings (caught up in dramatic situations) (who sing to each other instead of speaking.) ? ? 它向我们呈现的是处在戏剧场景中的人物, 这些人物不是用对话而是用歌声来交流。 S7: The reasonable question is (and it was asked most pointedly throughout the history of opera by literary men): how can an art form based on so unnatural a procedure be convincing? ? ? 这么一种不自然的艺术形式怎么会让人欣然接受呢?人们有理由问这样一个问题(这也是在整个歌剧史上,文人们曾问过的尖锐问题) S8: The question ignores what must always remain the fundamental aspiration of art: not to copy nature but to heighten our awareness of it. ? ? 这个问题忽略了一点,即艺术一直以来的基本追求:不去复制自然,而去提高我们对自然的觉识。 S9: People in real life do not sing to each other. Neither do they converse in blank verse, [as Shakespeare’s characters do]; nor live in rooms (of which one wall is conveniently missing[ so that the audience may look in]) . ? ? 现实中的人们不会对唱,也不会像莎士比亚笔下的人物那样用无韵诗对话,他们也不会住在为了让观众能够看到房间里面就把一面墙轻易去除掉的房间里。 S10: The conventions of opera are more evident than those of poetry, painting, drama, or film, but they are not different in kind. ? ? 歌剧的惯用手法比诗歌、绘画、戏剧、或电影中的更明显,但本质上又没什么不同。 S11: It uses the human


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