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在第十四届亚洲跳伞锦标赛暨 国际跳伞公开赛欢迎宴会上的致辞 The speech on the welcome dinner of the 14th Asian Parachuting Championship China International Open 中共阜阳市委书记、市人大常委会主任 宋卫平 Secretary of Municipal Committee of the CPC of Fuyang city, Director of Municipal Peoples Congress Standing Committee, Mr. Song Weiping   (2011年10月15日晚) 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、女士们、先生们: Respected leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 在这秋高气爽、丹桂飘香的美好时节,第十四届亚洲跳伞锦 标赛暨国际跳伞公开赛在阜阳隆重举行。在此,我谨代表中共阜阳市委、阜阳市人民政府,向出席今晚宴会的各位领导、各位团长、领队和嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎! In these clear and balmy autumn days, Fuyang city has the honor to witness the grand opening of the 14th Asian Parachuting Championship China International Open. On behalf of the Municipal Committee of the CPC, and the Peoples Government of Fuyang, Id like to extend the warmest welcome to all of the leaders, head of delegations, and the guests present here today! 阜阳地处黄淮平原南端、安徽省西北部,辖8个县市区,国土面积近1万平方公里,人口1014万,是安徽省第一人口大市。Fuyang is located in the south of HuangHuai Plain, the northwest of Anhui province, consisted of 8 counties and urban districts. It occupies an area of 10 thousand square kilometers with a population of 10.14 million, the largest of Anhui province 阜阳是一个美丽富饶的地方,奔流不息的淮河水,孕育出独具特色的阜阳风情,民风淳朴,物产丰美,沃野良田,一马平川,Fuyang is beautiful and affluent; the ceaseless Huaihe river has fostered its unique charm of honest people, abundant products and fertile land. It is a blessed place that produces many outstanding people 名人胜水交相辉映,资源禀赋得天独厚,享有百亿江淮粮仓、煤电能源新城、综合交通枢纽、人力资源大市、商贸物流名城、滨水园林城市之美誉。And the rich natural resources make it famous as the granary of Jianghuai region, a coal-energy city, a comprehensive transportation hub, a crucial trade and logistics center, as well as a waterfront garden city. 开放的发展氛围、丰富的资源条件、良好的投资环境、热情好客的市民,使阜阳处处充满勃勃生机。Fuyang is a vigorous city with an open development atmosphere, abundant resources, supportive/excellent investment climate, and hospitable citizens 一个有实力、有活力、有竞争力的区域中心城市正在加速崛起! It is developing at full speed towards a competitive and energetic


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