云南英文导游词之:石林Stone Forest.doc

云南英文导游词之:石林Stone Forest.doc

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云南英文导游词之:石林Stone Forest First I should say welcome to Yunnan, welcome to Kunming. Today we are going to visit the Stone Forest; it will take us one hour and a half. Now we are going within the boundaries of Chenggong County. Chenggong County is one of the seven counties of Kunming and also a small county. But it is famous, for it is a land of fruits and flowers. Many kinds of fruits are produced here. The most famous one is Baozhuli(a kind of pear. Li is the Chinese for pear or pears). Why it has such name? There was a story telling that long long ago there was a poor man who went to Dali to become a monk and was given a Buddhist name “Baozhu”. After many years the monk Baozhu went back to Kunming and along with him he brought back a kind of young pear trees and planted them in Chenggong County. In memory of him, people called this kind of pears “baozhu”. Because the pear is watery, sweet and fragrant, it was sent across thousands of miles to the capital as a tribute to the Emperor in the Yuan Dynasty. Chenggong was named after the fact that it paid tribute to the Emperor and the name was given by the Emperor in person. The name “Chenggong” means “the place that gives tribute to the Emperor”. That is how Chenggong gets its name. Look at those two railways. The wide one is the Nanning-Kunming Railway, which has been finished and opened to traffic. And the narrow one is the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, running across the county, and it plays an important role in economy. It was finished in 1910, having a long history. Well, now we are in the boundaries of Yiliang County. It is a big and rich county and industry is developed. Especially agriculture has many favorable conditions. It is a precious land and is called “a granary in the center of Yunnan Province”. And I will never forget to tell you to taste Yiliang Roast Duck when you go to Yiliang. The skin of the roast duck is crisp, and the flesh tender. You will feel that there is a delicious flavor in your mouth. Everyone,


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