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1. He told me that hardly______________(他一到家她就抱怨起来)。 2. It is recommended_________________(在做好所有准备之前这个项目是不会开始的)。 3. A firm success___________________(取决于他的工作者的效率)。 4. The grandeur of the grand Canyon________________(吸引了来自世界各地的游客)。 5. Elizabeth had some jewelry______________(从她外婆那里继承来的 1.had he returned home when she started complaining 2.that the project (should) not be started until all the preparations have been made 3.depends on its workers’ s efficiency 4.draes tourists from all over the world 5.which had been handed on from her grandmother 1.It was essential________________(在截止日期前寄回申请表)。 2.I went to see William,__________________(结果发现他前两天已经走了)。 3.He flatly contradicted the audience was instantaneous; no sooner ____________________(讲演刚结束,听众就爆发了热烈的掌声)。 4.Should it rains,____________________(农作物就得救了)。 1.that the application forms be sent back before the deadline ??? 2.only to learn that he had left two days before ?????????? 3.had the speaker finished than the audience burst into applause ??? 4.the crops would be saved1.Joe was expelled from school____________________(因为作弊)。 2.It’s high time___________________(把我们的注意力放在这个问题上)。 3.The prisoner has been______________________(被剥夺了许多普通公民应有的权利)。 4.Without your help,________________(我们不会有那么快的进步)。 5.In retrospect, the meeting_________________(比我们想象的还要成功1.for cheating in his exams 2. we turned our attention to this problem 3. deprived of many privileges that average citizens enjoy 4.we would not have made such rapid progress 5.was more successful than we had imagined 1.It is imperative_______________(你亲自去那里)。 2.Only in this way ____________________(我们能够准时到达目的地)。 3.To our surprise, he _________________(把所有钱花在建设这所医院上)。 4.Had electronic computers not been invented,_____________________(很多关于太空飞行的问题不能解决了)。 5.Instead of by force, he___________________(靠说服力赢得他们的支持)。 1.that you (should) be there in person 2.can we arrive at the destination on time 3.spent all his money on building this hospital 4.many problems of space flight c


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