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(2011届) 毕业设计资料 题 目 名 称: 根据娄底地区设计一座年产 0万的全连铸转炉炼钢车间 学 院(部): 冶金工程学院 专 业: 冶金技术 学 生 姓 名: 班 级: 0821 学号 指导教师姓名: 贺道中 职称 教授 最终评定成绩: 完成时间: 2011年5月 摘 要 本设计是参阅大量资料后,根据娄底地区条件,设计一个年产320万吨钢的全连铸转炉炼钢车间,典型产品的设计内容包括:产品方案及工艺流程的确定、 车间炉座数及容量的确定、物料平衡和热平衡计算、转炉炉型设计及转炉设备确定、氧枪设计、转炉车间设计、炉外精炼设备应用专题、车间设备选择及布置、厂房各跨间尺寸的确定、绘图等。 本设计采用250吨的顶底复吹转炉,铁水预处理、副枪动态测温系统,LF-VD洁净钢生产技术ABSTRACT This design is refer to a large number of data, according to pingxiang area conditions, design with an annual output of 240 million tons of full cc converter steelmaking workshop, a typical product design contents include: product plan and process flow determination, Workshop furnace seat number and capacity determination, the material balance and thermal equilibrium calculation, bof model design and converter equipment sure, oxygen gun design, converter workshop design, refining outside the furnace equipment application project, workshop equipment selection and layout, the size of each plant across-chain sure, graphics, etc. This design USES the 250 tons of bottoms of converter, the combined-blowing iron pretreatment, deputy gun, LF temperature measuring system, a series of finer, more advanced technology. This design emphatically expounds each index and performance requirements of products, processes, the scale of production calculation; The procedure and make sure the inner link, design the computation and equipment choice to product quality, mechanical equipment and the perfect combination of economic benefits. Comprehensive performance evaluation reach national advanced level. In compiling steelmaking workshop chart production workshop is calculated after requirements. Key w


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