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第五单元分析 一、内容分析 词汇:四会单词共10个:class, weekend, park, see, film, grandpa, grandma, zoo, sing, dance, 认读地点类词语3个:a cinema, a bookstore, a museum, 认读动作类短语4个:see uncle and aunt, go to a book fair, draw pictures, sing and dance. 句型:1、询问某天干某事及回答:What do you do on ….? I go to the park on weekends. 2. I often go to see a film on Saturday. 3. I go to the park or to the zoo on Sunday. 韵文:三首 语音:u /Λ/ 课堂指令性用语/日 常用语:May I ask a question? Yes, please. 二、单元目标 能听懂、会说询问某天干某事的问话及其答语,能够灵活替换时间状语。 能听、说、读、写本单元的10个单词,认读有关地点的3个词语,及有关动作的4个短语。 能正确、流利地朗读、表演课文。 能背诵、演唱所学韵文,能听懂课堂用语,能根据指令做事情,开展游戏活动。 三、单元重点 词汇:(四会) class, weekend, park, see, film, grandpa, grandma, zoo, sing, dance,(认读)a cinema, a bookstore, a museum, see uncle and aunt, go to a book fair, draw pictures, sing and dance. 句型:1. I go to the park on weekends. 2. I often go to see a film on Saturday. 3. I go to the park or to the zoo on Sunday. 语音:u /Λ/ 四、单元难点 能正确使用已学过的动词短语,进行有关某天干某事的对话,并能运用于日常交流当中。 时间状语的表达方式:1)介词on 与时间连用时的具体用法: on weekends, on Monday… 2) tomorrow, today. 继续复习巩固有关于星期的单词。 五、单元说明 在本单元前学习过星期的表达法,可以以此为切入点引入不同的时间,从而引出每天都干什么的说法,使学生能够在尽可能真是的语言环境下学习本单元重点句型。另外,本单元也延续了上个单元,关于动作短语的学习,要在学习新短语的基础上,以旧带新用复习巩固的方式,讲述动词短语,鼓励学生把这些短语运用到日常生活当中。本单元时间状语表达发是一个难点,特别是介词on 的用法,可以用归纳总结的方式,给学生提供足够多的例子,鼓励学生自己发现规律,从而了解介词使用方法。 本单元与学生生活实际联系比较紧密,要尽可能多的给学生创设真是的对话情景,帮助学生运用课堂所学知识。 六、单元课时安排:7课时 Unit 5What day is today ? New words: ★class, weekend, park, see, film, grandpa, grandma, zoo, sing, dance. Cinema, bookstore, museum, see uncle and aunt, go to a book fair, draw pictures, sing and dance Supplementary words: Weekend, see a film, go to the park, go to the zoo, happy, special, often Sentence patterns: I go to the park on weekends, I often go to see a film on Saturday. I go to the park or go to the zoo on Saturday. Phonics: U Teaching aims: Pupils can ask and answer the questions about the weekends and can use them in their daily life. They can read and write the new words and phrases corr



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