Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电.ppt

Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电.ppt

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * claim compensation from sb. for sth. 就某事向某人要求索赔 We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. What compensation can you offer for my work per week? compensation trade补偿贸易 full compensation全额赔偿 complain vi. 诉苦,申诉,抱怨 complain to sb. of /about sth.(因某事而向某人表示不满) The buyers complained to the seller of the excessive moisture contained in the minerals. The buyers complained about the excessive moisture of the minerals. The buyers complained that the minerals contain too much moisture. complaint n. 抱怨,申诉,投诉 We have noted your complaint and will do our best to avoid a repetition. make(lodge / file / lay)a complaint against sb. for sth.(因某事而向某人表示抱怨) This being the case, we have to lodge a complaint against you for the inferior quality. complaint n. 抱怨者,控告者,投诉者 settle vt. 解决;清偿,结算 Any dispute that may arise from under this contract shall be settled by arbitration. We will ask the Bank of China to help us settle payment. Please settle this long outstanding account without further delay. We are requested to settle your account within one week. settlement n. 解决,清偿,理赔 We hope we can reach an amicable settlement before long. For a settlement of our account of USD300, please send us your cheque. settlement of disputes 解决争端 settlement options 索赔选择权 arbitrate vi. vt. 仲裁,公断,裁决 Both sides agreed to arbitrate. The two parties hereby agree to arbitrate their disputes if any. arbitration n. 仲裁 This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration. When no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the disputes shall be submitted for arbitration. arbitration clause仲裁条款 arbitration award仲裁裁决 arbitration application仲裁申请 arbitration procedure仲裁程序 arbitrator n. 仲裁员,仲裁人 refund vt. 归还,偿还 refund the excess on a tax refund the goods to the seller n. 归还额,偿还额 obtain a refund of a deposit The shipping company will give you


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