超图 hypergraph.doc

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超图 hypergraph

Hypergraph(超图) An example hypergraph, with X?= {v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7}?and E?= {e1,e2,e3,e4} =?{{v1,v2,v3},{v2,v3},?{v3,v5,v6},?{v4}}. in?mathematics, a?hypergraph?is a generalization of a?graph, where anedge?can connect any number of?vertices. Formally, a hypergraph?H?is a pairH?= (X,E)?where?X?is a set of elements, called?nodes?or?vertices, and?Eis a set of non-empty subsets of?X?called?hyperedges?or?links. Therefore,E?is a subset of?, where??is the?power set?of?X. While graph edges are pairs of nodes, hyperedges are arbitrary sets of nodes, and can therefore contain an arbitrary number of nodes. However, it is often useful to study hypergraphs where all hyperedges have the same cardinality: a k-uniform hypergraph?is a hypergraph such that all its hyperedges have size k. (In other words, it is a collection of sets of size k.) So a 2-uniform hypergraph is a graph, a 3-uniform hypergraph is a collection of triples, and so on. A hypergraph is also called a?set system?or a?family of sets?drawn from the?universal set?X. Hypergraphs can be viewed as?incidence structuresand vice versa. In particular, there is a?Levi graph?corresponding to every hypergraph, and vice versa. Incomputational geometry, a hypergraph may be called a?range space?and the hyperedges are called?ranges.[1] Special cases of hypergraphs include the?clutter, where no edge appears as a subset of another edge; and theabstract simplicial complex, which contains all subsets of every edge. The collection of hypergraphs is a?category?with hypergraph?homomorphisms?as?morphisms. Contents ?[hide] 1?Terminology 2?Bipartite graph model 3?Isomorphism and equality 3.1?Examples 4?Symmetric hypergraphs 5?Transversals 6?Incidence matrix 7?Hypergraph coloring 8?Partitions 9?Theorems 10?Hypergraph drawing 11?Generalizations 12?See also 13?Notes 14?References Terminology Because hypergraph links can have any cardinality, there are multiple, distinct notions of the concept of a subgraph:?subhypergraphs,?partial hypergrap


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