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TED演讲中的句子 1. [谈对人生的热情] It was an achievement worthy of Mahatma Gandhi, conducted with the shrewdness of a lawyer and the idealism of a saint. 他带来的效应堪比圣雄甘地,兼具律师的机智和圣贤的理想主义。 “It’s okay. It was all so beautiful. Whenever you hear this, I will be there.” 情况没你想得那么糟,世界多么美好!每当你听到这首曲子的时候,我都在你的身边。 The secret of their extraordinary success lay precisely in that insatiable curiosity, that irrepressible desire to know, no matter what the subject and no matter what the cost. 他们取得非凡成就的秘密,是他们永不满足的好奇心和难以遏制的求知欲,以及对任何事物不计代价的付出。 “Live each day as if it is your last,” (Gandhi) “learn as if you’ll live forever.” This is what I’m passionate about. It is this inextinguishable, undaunted appetite for learning and experience; no matter how risible, no matter how esoteric, no matter how seditious it might seem. 要活就要像明天你就会死去一样活着(甘地),要学习就要像你将会永生一样学习。这就是我的热情所在,一种对知识和经验的坚定无畏的渴望,而不管这些知识多么荒唐,抑或神秘,或看上去别有用心。 2. [安静!保持听力健康的八大法则] Each of you an individual chord, for one definition of health may be that chord is in complete harmony. 每个人都是一个独立的和弦。健康的定义之一是令这种和弦保持一种和谐状态。 Reductive listening is to reduce everything down to what’s relevant, and discard everything that’s not relevant. (men) 删减性的倾听是有选择的听,只关注想知道的东西而忽略无关紧要的内容(通常男士)。 Expansive listening – get no destination in mind. It’s just enjoying the journey (women typically). 扩展性的倾听——无明确目标的倾听,只是享受听的过程(通常女士)。 Three quick tips to protect your ears: 三种保护听力的简单方法: Professional hearing protectors 专业听力保护器 Headphones of the best kind you can afford 买你能买得起的最好耳机 When in bad sound, put your fingers in your ears or just move away from it. 听到噪音时,最好用手指护住耳朵,或者远离噪音; Language as decorated silence. 语言即经修饰过的宁静。 Wind, water, birds – natural sound – all very healthy because all of it that we evolved to over the years.风声,水声,鸟声——大自然的声音对健康很有好处,因为这些都是我们进化过程中陪伴我们的语言。 To design soundscapes just like words of art, that has a foreground, a background, all in beautiful proportion. 去设计如艺术品一般的声音氛围,有前景,有背景,并且比例协调。 Just listen to the music is good for you, if it’s music


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