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Unit 1 party politics 课文后p10-12 的十道paraphrase句子,加上以下的8句,计18句 1. In one evening, they manage to cut through the entire hierarchy and procedures the boss has painstakingly established for the purpose of being spared this kind of importuning. 2.These people have been socializing happily every working day of their lives, give or take a few melees, rumors, and complaint petitions. 3.Out of the natural goodness of its corporate heart and the spirit of the holiday season, the company wishes only to give its employees a roaring good time, and the employees, out of loyalty and the thrill of getting to know their bosses off-duty as equals, delight in the opportunity. 4.More serious is the fact that, in spite of the liquor and high spirits, it still counts as sexual harassment when anyone with supervisory powers makes unreciprocated overtures to a lower-ranking employee. 5.The people who do the planning are paid for their trouble, so those who benefit need not consider they have incurred a debt. 6.But etiquette’s solution of having everyone greeted in a receiving line was rejected as too stiff. So one can hardly blame employees for recalling a long-ingrained principle of the workplace: seeing the boss and having a good time are best not scheduled at the same time. 7.It is often erroneously assumed that the style of the party ought to be what employees are used to: their own kind of music, food, and other things the executive level believes itself to have outgrown. 8.And the real opportunity for career advancement is not petitioning a boss but rescuing one who has been cornered or stranded, thus demonstrating that one knows how to talk charmingly about non-business matters. Unit 2 New singles 1. Just shy of 50, she says she’d never have wanted to do what her mother did-give up a career to raise a family. 2. Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage. 3. Its a marketing mans dream: a demographic with the anx


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