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Lesson49:Get Along with Others 主备教师 王晓燕 参与教师 初三英语备课组全体教师 审核人 司国政 课 时 1课时 授课时间 教 学 目 标 1.Grasp the words : unit,misunderstanding , requir, communication, hardly, solution, anger, relationship, likely, feeling, seriously, hopeful. 2.Grasp the phrases and structures: get along with, can hardly, be satisfied with, be more likely to, get sth out in the open air, come to a solution, move on (1) How do you get along with others in school or at home. (2) Friendship requires good communication. (3) If we can’t communicate well, we can hardly get along with our friends. (4)I guess that people who know how to communicate well wih others are happier and more satisfied with their lives. 3.Grammar:帮助学生了解副词的构成及应用。 重点 难点 1.记忆并且掌握重点词汇和结构的用法。 2.理解并掌握 副词的构成及应用。 3.用简单的英语介绍人际交流的重要性。 准备 textbook, recorder, smart board, Ppt. 导 学 过 程 Step I Lead-in: Step II Learning aims: ( ) 1.记忆并且掌握重点词汇和结构的用法。 2.理解并掌握 副词的构成及应用。 3用简单的英语介绍人际交流的重要性。 Individual Instructional Design(个人教学设计) Step III New language points Presentation ( ) Teach students the new words and phrases by using the pictures or examples. Individual Instructional Design(个人教学设计) Practice of four skills ( ) 1. Listen to the tex first then read after the tape correctly and fluently. 2. Read the text and try to understand the main idea of this lesson,complate Let’s do it No.1 3. Read the text again and underline the key phrases and structures. 4. Read the text again and finish Let’s Do It No.2 and No.3. 5.Work in groups and share the ideas about commmunication with “ I think,”I guess...”,”That’s for sure!”… Individual Instructional Design(个人教学设计) Key language points and activities ( ) Activities Individual Instructional Design(个人教学设计) Activity1:How to help students to learn and use the key phrases Activity2: Give them some important phrases and sentences to help make a dialogue Activity3:Talk about something which relates to “Friendship ” Expansion of knowledge


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