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Fascial Fitness: Training In The Neuromyofascial Web筋膜健康:神经肌腱膜网络训练-未来健身的大趋势Research shows why taking a different approach to exercise and the movement brain is the wave of the future.肌筋膜训练法If you are interested in the role of fascia in fitness training, the following questions lead to new take-aways:假如你对筋膜在健身训练中的作用感兴趣,下面几点你可以思考一下:Most injuries are connective-tissue (fascial) injuries, not muscular injuries—so how do we best train to prevent and repair damage and build elasticity and resilience into the system? There are 10 times more sensory nerve endings in your fascia than in your muscles; therefore, how do we aim proprioceptive stimulation at the fascia as well as the muscles? Traditional anatomy texts of the muscles and fascia are inaccurate, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of our movement function—so how can we work with fascia as a whole, as the “organ system of stability”? 大多数的损伤是结缔组织(筋膜)损伤,而不是肌肉损伤-那么我们如何才能通过训练来防止和修复伤害,如何重新建立筋膜系统的弹性呢? 筋膜中的感觉神经末梢的数量是肌肉中的10倍,那么我们如何才能像训练肌肉的本体感觉训练一样,训练筋膜的本体感觉呢? 传统的解剖学课本上关于肌肉和筋膜的解释是不正确的,进而我们现在的建立于此基础上的对于运动的理解也是不正确的-那么,我们如何才能以整体的观点来看待肌筋膜呢?这是一个“身体的稳定性器官” Consciously or unconsciously, you have been working with fascia for your whole movement career—it is unavoidable. Now, however, new research is reinforcing the importance of fascia and other connective tissue in functional training (Fascia Congress 2009). Fascia is much more than “plastic wrap around the muscles.” Fascia is the organ system of stability and mechano-regulation (Varela Frenk 1987). Understanding this may revolutionize our ideas of “fitness.” Research into the fascial net upsets both our traditional beliefs and some of our new favorites as well. The evidence all points to a new consideration within overall fitness for life—hence the term fascial fitness. This article lays out the emerging picture of the fascial net as a whole and explores three of the many aspects of recent research that give us a better understanding of how best to train the fascial net.无论是有意


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