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? ? Lesson Sixteen Remembering Tracy Bill 打印本页 ?   第一学时   一、词汇:   pizza 比萨饼   transplant 移植    →translation 转换    →transport 交通   cure 治愈   curable 可治好的   carve 雕刻   best-loved= favorite   aisle 通道,走道   course 课程    →subject   instant noodle 方便面   ease 使…减轻   at ease 惬意   二、课文部分   1 This year, my husband David and I celebrated the 22nd birthday of a man we had never met.   本句翻译:今年我丈夫 David 和我一块庆祝了一个人的22岁的生日,这个人我们都从未见过。    celebrate 庆祝    His name was Tracy Bill Marsh, a tall handsome young man who worked in a pizza shop.   本句翻译:他的名字叫做 Tracy Bill ,是一个很高很帅的小伙子,在比萨饼店工作。   Last summer, he was supposed to have been best man at his brothers wedding.   本句翻译:去年夏天他本该在他哥哥的婚礼上当伴郎。   But on the night of December 8,1992, Tracy got off work and stood in the pizza shops parking lot talking to friends.   本句翻译:但是在1992年12月8日的夜里,特蕾西下了班,站在比萨饼店的停车场和朋友们聊天。    get off work 下班   Tracy jumped up on the hood of a friends car, as they had done a hundred times before.   本句翻译:特蕾西跳上了他朋友车的车盖,这种事他们以前干过上百次。    as 引导方式状语从句,翻译成:正如…,好像…    As she had said, the shop was shut. 正如她所说的那样,商店关门了。    Sit down and do as I say. 坐下来按我说的去做。    Why didnt you take the bus as I told you? 我叫你乘公共汽车,你为什么不照我说的去做?   This time, though, Tracy lost his balance and fell. His head struck the pavement, hard.   本句翻译:这一次,然而,特蕾西失去平衡,跌倒了。他的脑袋重重地撞到了人行道的台子上。    lost ones balance 失去平衡   2 One of his friends rushed inside to call an ambulance, then he phoned Tracys father, Bill Marsh. Bill raced to the hospital, where he was joined by Tracys mother, Cory.   本句翻译:他的朋友马上冲进比萨饼店打电话叫一辆救护车,然后给特蕾西的爸爸打电话,他爸爸马上冲进医院,在那里他和 Tracy 的妈妈会合。    ambulance 救护车   She knew from the way the doctors talked that there was little hope. Tracy had a broken skull - one doctor said he had never seen one so bad.   本句翻译:她从医生们交谈时的神色知道希望渺茫。特蕾西的头盖骨摔裂,一位医生说他从来没见过摔得这么厉害的病例。   3 Standing next to her son, Cory remembered that Tracy had once mentioned organ donation.   本句翻译:站在她儿子的身旁,母亲记起来了,特蕾西有一次提到器官捐献。    next to 和…邻着   Maybe I can spare another family this sorr


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