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Application InstructionReport for Site/预制现场施工指导总结报告Application Site /施工场所项目预制现场Date of Report / 报告日期2013-04-27Reporter / 报告人To / 发送(销售)Details on-site / 现场检查详细情况Date of Visiting / 访问日期2012.04.26Application Location / 施工场所Indoor / 户内Paint Stirring Method / 油漆搅拌方式Electric / 电动Application Tools / 油漆施工工具AirlessSpray / 无气喷涂Ambient Condition / 施工环境AirTemp.环境温度(℃)RH相对湿度(%)DewPoint露点(℃)SurfaceTemp.表面温度(℃atch No. of Products / 产品批号15709-19840:903011011 97170:903032732 08700:903032910Paint System / 油漆配套15700-1984075μmPaint Drying/油漆干燥Naturally / 自然干燥DFT Specified / 要求干膜厚度75micron / 75μmIn the morning of Apr. 26th, 2013, Hempel offered a theoretical training about HEMPEL’s GALVOSIL 15700, below items listed need to be paid close attention to:2012年4月26日上午,为施工现场相关涂装人员进行了关于海虹老人牌无机硅酸锌底漆15700的施工相关注意事项,有如下几点:Mixing: 30 minutes before mixing, lay down GALVOSIL 15709 LIQUID and then shake or stir the very thoroughly. Pour HEMPEL’S ZINC METAL PIGMENT 97170 slowly down into the LIQUID with constant mechanical stirring. Do not mix in the reverse order. Strain the mixture through a screen, 60 - 80 mesh. 油漆混合:喷漆前30分钟,将基料15709(蓝色塑料桶)倒置;混合前充分摇晃基料,大约5分钟。将锌粉从铁桶中取出,将基料(蓝桶)倒入铁桶中,然后在不断搅拌的情况下逐渐加入锌粉。注意:不得反过来进行混合。使用60-80目筛网过滤混合漆料。Stirring: After mixing it is equally important to maintain stirring to keep the wet paint as a homogeneous mixture. Maintain constant agitation of the mixture until the batch is depleted.搅拌:油漆施工开始到结束,搅拌不能停止,以防锌粉沉底。需有专人进行搅拌。此处需使用电动或气动搅拌,手工搅拌达不到要求。Trial spray to measure DFT: In order to make sure how to get the right film thickness, select an area to spray first, then measure DFT after the paint dry, if it OK, using the same procedure.预喷测膜厚(为使油漆喷涂者知道达到规定膜厚需要走枪的速度及次数):选取一块区域进行喷涂,待半小时候后测量膜厚,如果膜厚达标标准,则后续施工按预喷手法。Stripe coat: All places difficult to cover properly by spray application must be stripe coated with a brush immediately before or after the spray application.预涂:对于R孔,焊缝以及一些难以触及的区域,需使用刷涂方式进行预涂,预涂结束后应尽早开始喷涂。Thinning: 5% is recommended. But the amount of thinning


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