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Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2014, 4, 849-856 Published Online November 2014 in Hans. /journal/ap /10.12677/ap.2014.46110 Drug Addicts’ Decision Making Deficits: Behavioral Performance, Underlying Reasons and Interventions Yang Liu, Hongwen Song, Juan Kou, Zhiling Zou* Department of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing * Email: liuyang198908@, zouzl@ th th th Received: Oct. 9 , 2014; revised: Oct. 16 , 2014; accepted: Oct. 30 , 2014 Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Drug addiction has become an urgent issue in our society. To some extent, the emergency of addic- tion is attributed to an individual’s decision making deficits. Specifically speaking, the drug abusers would prefer to choose the option that brings immediate profit at the expense of long-term lose in terms of physical, psychological and social functions. Besides, they could not learn from their former choice and insisted on the sub-optimal decisions. Through reviewing relative articles, we summa- rized the drug addicts’ decision making performance, the underlying reasons, and then provided some interventions, which could shed light on the research of addiction theoretically and practically. Keywords Drug Addiction, Decision Making Deficits, Underlying Reasons, Intervention Methods 物质成瘾者决策障碍: 行为表现、原因探究及其干预 刘 洋,宋洪文,寇 娟,邹枝玲* 西南大学心理学部,重庆 * Email: liuyang198908@, zouzl@ *通讯作者。 849 物质成瘾者决策障碍:行为表现、原因探究及其干预 收稿日期



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