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外墙外保温和饰面系统EIFS Presentation 内容 AGENDA 外保温体系的发展和市场情况 History, Components, and Market 北美主要供应商 Major Manufacturers in North America 产品和使用 Products and Uses 性能测试 Performance Testing 行业协会 Industry Associations AGENDA 市场和发展 History, Components, and Market Major Manufacturers in North America Products and Uses Performance Testing Industry Associations 外墙外保温和饰面系统的使用历史 EIFS HISTORY 二十世纪四十年代 - 矿棉覆以水泥抹灰作为保温系统在瑞典得到应用 1940’s - Wall cladding used in Sweden - mineral wool coated with cement/lime plaster 二十世纪六十年代 - 发泡聚氨酯覆以下埋增强纤维网的面涂作为保温系统在西德得到应用 1960’s - West Germany - rigid polystyrene foam, mesh, and reinforced coatings 1969 - Frank Morselli 创建了专威特外保温和饰面系统 Frank Morselli founded Dryvit Systems, Inc. - with design of systems as we know them today. 外墙外保温和饰面系统图示 EIFS ASSEMBLY GRAPHIC (No Drainage) EIFS WALL ASSEMBLY 底材 SUBSTRATE: 夹板,外墙装饰板,耐水石膏及水泥砂浆墙面。Plywood, Oriented Strand Board, Water Resistant Gypsum Sheathing, and Masonry. 胶粘剂 ADHESIVE: 水泥或非水泥基;把保温材料粘结在底材上。Cementitious or Non-cementitious; used for adhering insulation board to the substrate. 抹面胶浆BASE COAT: 水泥或非水泥基;增强耐水性和面涂与保温材料的粘结力;中间埋入玻璃纤维网布以提供强度和抗冲击。Cementitious or Non-cementitious; provides water resistance and adhesion; fiberglass mesh is embedded for strength/impact resistance. 饰面 FINISH COAT: 装饰涂料;色彩丰富,立体饰面效果,抗开裂,不褪色不黄变 Decorative coating; tintable, comes in various textures, resists cracking, fading and yellowing. 外墙外保温结构类型 EIFS ASSEMBLY TYPES 无排水 EIFS without Drainage 标准常用系统,保温材料直接粘在底材上 Standard system, insulation board flush to substrate 用于实心砖墙,水泥砂浆墙面较多 Common on Solid Block, Masonry wall 有排水 EIFS with Drainage 保温材料背后有沟槽,便于湿气排出 Grooves on back of insulation board to allow drainage of incidental moisture. 注意并非水流Not a waterfall! 通常用于木结构或者空心墙体建筑 Common on wood frame construction or any wall assembly where there is a wall cavity space. 外墙外保温图示 (有排水) EIFS ASSEMBLY GRAPHIC (with Drainage) 外墙外保温与其他墙体系统比较 EIFS Insulation Potential versus other Wall Systems 提供优异的节能效果Provides Excellent Insulation Po


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