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Words Expressions ability能力,本领 e.g.: How does ability do a happy person? 怎么才能做一个快乐的人呢?The proprietor is trying to improve the land. 该业主正试图提高这块地的价值。If everyone thinks one way, it is likely to be wrong. 如果大家都认为一种方法,它很可能是错误的。Can you explain your relationship to John? 你能解释你跟约翰的关系吗?This will create a closed water system. 这将产生一个封闭的水系统。He tended a drug store for his father. 他替父亲看着一家药店。The swimming pool is available only in summer. 这个游泳池只在夏天开放。 design 设定,预定,指定;设计,设想 e.g.:They designed us a beautiful building. 他们为我们设计了一幢漂亮的大楼。 I am a designer to design myself! 我是一个设计自己的设计师! What to see one individual psychology want? 怎么看出一个人心理想什么? We must maintain friendly relations with them. 我们必须和他们保持友好关系。 We know that money will be the topic. 所以,金钱将会成为重要的主题。 Compare this new TV set with the old one, you will see which is better. 将这台新电视机与旧电视机一比,你就会看出哪一台更好一些。 We can know about the culture of other nations via translation. 人们可以通过翻译认识另外一个民族的文化。 She described the accident very carefully. 她非常仔细地描述了事故。 I desired candy all the time I was dieting. 当我节食时我很想吃糖果。 They bought an old house for economic reasons. 出于经济上的原因他们买了一所旧房子。 enable使能够 e.g.:You can enable voice chat on the games listed below. 您可以对下面列出的游戏启用语音聊天。 In my opinion, only the onion can grow in the iron environment. 以我的观点,只有洋葱才能在生长在含铁的环境中。 If you have a copy, you can always seek professional help! 如果有一份拷贝,可以一直寻求专业的帮助产。 e.g.:Please replace the books after reading. 看完书后请将书放回原处。 Cold weather affected the crops. 寒冷对作物产生了影响。 They attacked him with their bare hands. 他们赤手空拳地攻击他。 This man says the behavior of Italians was cruel. 这个男人说意大利人的行为是残酷的。 He blanked an entry. 他删除了一个项目(或词条)。 Today, I contribute the source code. 今天我把源码贡献出来。 ’s ability 尽某人最大努力 improve on/upon改进,胜过 improve in在某方面有进步 compare to把……比作 beyond/without compare 无与伦比的 economic reform 经济改革 professional knowledge专业知识 contribute to有助于,促成


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