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* * Artemis 阿尔忒弥斯 Brief Introduction Myths and Stories The Temple of Artemis My Opinions Introduction Cypress丝柏 Sacred tree Deer Sacred animal Apollo阿波罗 Twin brother Zeus and Leto勒托 Parents Bow and arrows Symbols Diana狄安娜 Roman equivalent Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity处女;童贞 , fertility繁殖,丰产 About the Birth of Artemis, Most stories depict Artemis as born first, becoming her mothers mid-wife upon the birth of her brother Apollo. Actaeon阿卡同 ------grandson of Cadmus卡德摩斯(底比斯国王) Actaeon was eaten by his hounds猎犬. Actaeon hided in the bushes and spied on Artemis Artemis was enraged to discover Actaeon and turned him into a stag雄鹿 Adonis阿多尼斯 sent a wild boar野猪 to kill Adonis as punishment for his hubristic傲慢 boast Artemis killed Adonis for revenge Niobe 尼俄伯 (the queen of Thebes底比斯 and wife of Amphion安菲翁) She boasted of her superiority to Leto because while she had 14 children ,seven boys and seven girls, Leto had only one of each. When Artemis and Apollo heard this, Apollo killed her sons as they practiced athletics竞技;体育运动 , and Artemis shot her daughters, who died instantly without a sound. According to some versions,two of Niobe’s children were spared幸免, one boy and one girl. Amphion killed himself at the sight of his dead sons. And Niobe and her remaining children were turned to stone by Artemis as they wept. The Aloadae 阿洛伊代兄弟 Otos and Ephialtes ★ 2 Giants (twin sons of Poseidon) aggressive, great hunters, could not be killed unless they killed each other ★ never stopped growing boasted that as soon as they could reach heaven, they would kidnap Artemis and Hera and take them as wives ★ Artemis captured a fine deer (changed herself into a doe母鹿) and jumped out between them ★ The Aloadae mistakenly killed each other The Temple of Artemis 亚底米神庙 The Temple of Artemis was a Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was located


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