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New words: Complete vt. 完成,结束 single-acting adj. 单动的,单作用的 Develop v. 发展,发出,产生 Crankshaft n. 曲柄,曲柄轴 Vertical adj. 垂直的,直立的 Upstroke n. (活塞)上行程 Downstroke n. (活塞)下行程 Complicated adj. 复杂的,结构复杂的 Motorship n. 内燃机船,汽船 Crosshead n. 十字头,滑块 Horizontal adj. 水平的,卧式的,地平的 Encircle vt. 环绕,保围,围绕 Considerable adj. 相当大(多)的 Crankpin n. 曲柄销,曲轴(拐轴)销 Manufacture v.; n. 制造,生产,加工 Bank n. 一排,组,机组 Rigid adj. 刚性的,刚硬的,不易弯的 Stiff adj. 刚性的,坚硬的,非弹性的 Vary v. 变化,使多样化,改变 Rotate v. 旋转,转动,使旋转 Occupy vt. 占有,占据,拥有 Blast n. 一阵,一股,气流 Medium adj. 中间的,中等的,适中的 Phrases and expressions Fuel injection 燃油喷射 Divide into… 分成...,分为... Be based on… 以...为基础,根据... Piston stroke 活塞行程,冲程 For short 简称,为简略起见 (be) away from 离开...,远离,不在...处 Trunk-piston engine 汽油(发动)机 By far (用以修饰比较级,最高级)最...,...得多 Gas-burning engine 汽油(发动)机,可燃气体发动机 Cylinder-in-line 直列式汽缸 A sufficient rigid frame 足够刚性的机架 Radial engine 径向式发动机,星形发动机 As many as 多达...,达...之多 The great majority of 大部分...,大多数... The engine can be classified in the following several ways: (1) operation cycle, (2) piston action, (3) piston connection, (4) cylinder arrangement, (5) method of fuel injection, and (6) speed. 发动机可以按以下几种方法分类:1工作循环 2活塞作用 3汽缸排列 4燃油供应方式 5转速 Operation cycle. Diesel and gas-burning engines can be divided into two groups based on the number of piston strokes per cycle, either four or two. An engine which needs four strokes to complete one cycle is a four-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a four-cycle engine. If it needs only two strokes to complete a cycle. It is called a two-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a two-cycle engine. Thus, a two-cycle engine fires twice as often as a four cycle-engine. 工作循环.柴油机和天然气发动机按活塞每个循环的行程可以分为四行程或二行程两种.发动机需要四个行程来完成一个循环的叫做四行程循环发动机,或简言 之四冲程发动机。如果仅需两个行程来完成一个循环,被称作两行程循环发动机,或简言之,两冲程发动机.因此,两冲程发动机点火的次数是四冲程的两倍. Piston action. An engine’s piston action may be classified as (a) single-action, (b) double-action, or (c) opposed-piston. Single-acting engines use only one end of the cylinder an


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