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西瓜论文技术对西瓜发育影响论文:嫁接技术对西瓜生长发育的影响 摘要:西瓜[citrullus lanatus(thunb.)matsum. et nakai]作为夏季重要的果品,深受消费者的喜爱。已在内蒙古部分地区大面积种植。受土地利用限制,能种植西瓜的面积相对有限,连年种植后病虫害发生较多,特别是枯萎病发病较严重。为减少枯萎病危害,采用嫁接技术来研究嫁接对西瓜生长发育、抗病性、品质与产量的影响。通过对西瓜品种西农8号[c. lanatus cv. xinong(nwau)no.8]与嫁接砧木京欣砧2号、京欣砧3号砧木组合体在形态指标与生理指标上的比较,得出嫁接组合 关键词:西瓜;嫁接;生长发育;影响 influence of grafting on growth and development of citrullus lanatus yin chun1,wang ling-mao2,liu jin-quan1,yu cui-ling1,wang huai-dong (1. professional technology institute, inner mongolia agricultural university, baotou 014109, inner mongolia, china; bureau of hohhot vegetables, inner mongolia autonomous region, hohhot 010018, china) citrullus lanatus(thunb.) matsum. et n was widely planted in inner mongolia as the important summer fruit. because the land use was restricted, the area planted of c. lanatus was limited relatively, the plant diseases and insect pests occurred frequently in successive years of planting, especially the blast. in order to reduce the damage of blast,the influence of grafting on the growth and development, resistance, quality and the production was studied to solve the limited land resources and disease occurring. there were significant diffe in the morphological indexes between the stock seedling and the combinations of c. lanatus cv. xinong(nwau) no.8 variety with the jingxin rootstock no.2 and jingxin rootstock no 3, and there were not adverse effects in the physiological indexes. th difference between the two combinations was not significant in growth potential. the grafting technology solved the succession cropping problem in the production. words: citrullus lanatus(thunb.) matsum. et nakai; grafting; growth and development; influence lanatus(thunb.)matsum. et nakai]为葫芦科(cucurbitaceae)西瓜属(citrullus schrad. ex eckl. et zeyh.)一年生蔓性草本植物,原产于非洲沙漠地区,我国现已普遍种植;西瓜不仅食用价值高,而且药用价值大,深受人们的喜爱。但西瓜种植技术要求很高,加上西瓜病虫害严重、适应性差,连年种植易发生枯萎病,并且实生苗的轮作年限要长达6~7年之久,这些问题使西瓜产业的发展受到了很大的限制。西瓜的嫁接技术就 西瓜实生苗的根系细小不发达,吸收能力没有嫁接苗的根系大,各种抗性也没有嫁接苗的强;而通过嫁接技术,可使供给西瓜植株营养的根系变得非常发


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