
【精选】80端口被NT Kernel System占据80端口被NT Kernel System占据.doc

【精选】80端口被NT Kernel System占据80端口被NT Kernel System占据.doc

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80端口被NT Kernel System占据 2011-09-06 谁想本身晚年获获成功,就必须从青少年做起 叫人不兴奋的真谛,胜过叫人兴奋瞎话。前段时候停止了Apache,成果在打开的时辰发明无法打开,80端口被占用,于是win+r 运行cmd 输入netstat -ano 可以看到80端口被PID4占用,于是打开任务经管器-过程-查看,选择列,勾选PID 可以看到pid 4 的被NT kernel System 占用 ? 在网上找了好久找到解决规划 /2009/01/25/windows-7-uses-port-80-and-makes-it-impossible-to-install-apache-solution/comment1/#comments 原文: I work on Http.sys technology at Microsoft and somebody sent me a link to this blog. I am a bit surprised by this behavior you are seeing on Windows7 Beta and with some help you, I will like to find out the root cause of this issue so that we can take the appropriate action if needed. You are right, Http.sys uses port 80. It is the driver component for httpapi, the server http stack (You can find more info on this technology at?/en-us/library/aa364434(VS.85).aspx?). In your case, some application is running which is using http.sys to listen on port 80. This is preventing Apache using port 80. We offer a mechanism for applications to help control port sharing but I’ll need to look into the specific application that’s causing you this conflict. If you can give us the output of following command “netsh http show servicestate”, then it will allow me to find out which application is using http.sys. Since you have disabled http.sys, please follow these steps listed below before running the command: 1. sc config http start= demand 2. Reboot 3. Run the command (netsh http show servicestate) as administrator After you have run this command, you can disable http.sys as follows: 1. net stop http 2. Sc config http start= disabled Please let me know if you face any issues in the process. Thanks, Niranjan 翻译如下: 该过程是Http.sys。它是http API的驱动组件,Http栈办事器。若是该端口被Http.sys占用,申明一些正在应用http.sys的应用法度在运行。这就是阻拦Apache运行的原因,因为Http.sys占用着80端口。我们供给了一种应用法度的机制来帮助把握端口共享,然则我须要查询拜访导致你碰到这种艰苦的是什么特别应用法度。若是你能供给给我们“netsh http show servicestate”这条号令的输出成果,我就能找出是哪个应用法度在应用Http.sys。在你禁用Http.sys之前,请遵守下面的步调来运行号令: 1. sc config http stat = demand 2. reboot 3. run the command(netsh h


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