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Wiggle V-ERG?(使)扭动;(使)摆动?If you wiggle something or if it wiggles, it moves up and down or from side to side in small quick movements. 语法信息:V n?语法信息:V?语法信息:V prep/adv She?wiggled?her finger... 她扭了扭手指。 His ears?wiggled?if you scratched his chin... 如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动。 Your baby will try to shuffle or?wiggle?along the floor. 你的小宝宝会拖着脚或一扭一扭地学步。 (使快速上下或左右)扭动, 摆动,起伏,摇动 She wiggled her hips seductively as she walked. 她走路时卖弄风情地扭着屁股。 They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music. 他们随着流行音乐的声音摇晃着臀部。 Wilt 1 VERB?枯萎;凋谢;发蔫?If a plant wilts, it gradually bends downwards and becomes weak because it needs more water or is dying. 语法信息:V?语法信息:V-ed The roses?wilted?the day after she bought them... 她买的玫瑰第二天就凋谢了。 Remove any damaged or?wilted?leaves. 去掉烂叶和枯叶。 VERB?变得萎靡不振;打蔫儿;消沉?If someone wilts, they become weak or tired, or lose confidence. 语法信息:V She soon?wilted?in the morning heat... 在早晨的热浪中她很快就蔫儿了。 The government?wilted?in the face of such powerful pressure. 政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。 Wince A vi. 1 赶紧避开, 畏缩 He winced inwardly at her harsh tone. 她那严厉的语气令他胆寒。 He winces at the memory of that experience. 他一回想起那番经历就畏缩起来。 B n. 避开, 畏缩 The burn of the antiseptic made him wince. 消毒剂的刺痛使他连忙缩手。 VERB?(因疼痛或因看到、听到或记起不快之事而)皱起脸,皱眉蹙额?If you wince, the muscles of your face tighten suddenly because you have felt a pain or because you have just seen, heard, or remembered something unpleasant. 语法信息:V?语法信息:V with quote?搭配模式:usu sing Every time he put any weight on his left leg he?winced in pain... 只要左腿一受力,他就会疼得龇牙咧嘴。 He?winced at the thought of dining with Camilla... 一想到要跟卡米拉一起吃饭,他皱起了眉头。 Shh! Sunny?winced. “嘘!”森尼皱眉蹙额地说。 Wobble 1 VERB?摇摆;摇晃?If something or someone wobbles, they make small movements from side to side, for example because they are unsteady. 语法信息:V?语法信息:V prep/adv?语法信息:V-ing The table?wobbled?when I leaned on it... 我往桌上一靠,桌子就摇晃了起来。 Just then, Bart returned,?wobbling?on his skates... 就在这时,巴特摇摇晃晃地滑着轮滑回来了。 I narrowly missed a cyclist who?wobbled?into my path... 我险些被一个摇摇晃晃迎面而来的骑车人撞倒。 He placed one hand



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