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International Journal of Mechanics Research 力学研究, 2014, 3, 43-54
Published Online December 2014 in Hans. /journal/ijm
Penalty Function Finite Element Analysis for
Nearly Incompressible Elasticity Problems
in Three Dimensions
Yingxiong Xiao , Lei Zhou
Civil Engineering and Mechanics College, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan
Email: xyx610xyx@, 455611862@
th th th
Received: Oct. 13 , 2014; revised: Nov. 7 , 2014; accepted: Nov. 11 , 2014
Copyright © 2014 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
The locking phenomenon will appear when the commonly used finite elements are applied to the
solution of nearly incompressible problems in three dimensions. It is necessary to use some spe-
cial methods. The penalty function conforming finite element method is an effective method to
overcome this locking phenomenon since it is simple for the realization of the resulting program
and easy to determine the penalty number and it also does not change the functional stationary
value properties. In this paper, the computing format of penalty function finite element method is
carefully derived, the conditions for success of the resulting method is analyzed and the effective-
ness and robustness of this method are finally verified by some numerical experiments for nearly
incompressible elasticity problems. The quality of the mesh used in three-dimensional finite ele-
ment analysis has a great effect on the accuracy and computational efficiency. If the isotropic grids
can be used in the practical calculations, the method wi
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