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社会和历史方面(中译英)   爱国运动 patriotic movement   AA制 Dutch treatment/ go Dutch   A 股市场 A-share market   爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personages   爱国统一战线 patriotic united front   安家费?????? settling-in allowance   暗箱操作? black case work   按资排辈? to assign priority according to seniority   保证妇女、未成年人和残疾人的合法权益   protect legitimate rights and interest of women, minors and the handicapped   白热化 be white-hot   拜把兄弟 sworn brothers   摆架子 put on airs   白马王子 prince charming   拜年 pay new year’s call   摆谱 put on airs/ show off/ keep up appearance   班车 shuttle bus   斑马线 zebra stripe   搬迁户 a relocated unit or household   半托/日托 daycare   半脱产 a partial sabbatical from work就是一边学习,一边工作。   搬运工人 transport worker   帮倒忙? trying to help but causing more trouble in the process   傍大款A girl finds a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags   包车 to charter a vehicle; a chartered vehicle   保持国民经济发展的良好势头   maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy   暴发户 new rich; upstart   保护伞 protective umbrella   本命年 ones year of birth considered in relation to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches;   本土化localization   奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life   本本主义 bookishness   闭门羹 given a cold shoulder   避税 evade tax   避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion   便当 fast food   博彩、博彩业 lottery industry  爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personages   爱国统一战线 patriotic united front   安家费?????? settling-in allowance   暗箱操作? black case work   按资排辈? to assign priority according to seniority   保证妇女、未成年人和残疾人的合法权益   protect legitimate rights and interest of women, minors and the handicapped   白热化 be white-hot   拜把兄弟 sworn brothers   摆架子 put on airs   白马王子 prince charming   拜年 pay new year’s call   摆谱 put on airs/ show off/ keep up appearance   班车 shuttle bus   斑马线 zebra stripe   搬迁户 a relocated unit or household   半托/日托 daycare   半脱产 a partial sabbatical from work就是一边学习,一边工作。   搬运工人 transport worker   帮倒忙? trying to help but causing more trouble in the process   傍大款A girl finds a sugar daddy


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