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消 防 培 训 提高员工的消防安全意识,使其了解防火知识和灭火知识,并在发生火情时会报火警、会使用消防设备扑救初期火灾,熟悉酒店火警救援预案以及本部门的疏散程序。 Basic knowledge and background information 消防基础概念和基础知识 Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火灾的特点、起因及预防 Fire drill 消防演习 Basic knowledge and background information 消防基础概念和基础知识 1.1 Our national policy is: 我国的消防工作方针是: ‘Prevention first, prevention and protection “预防为主,防消结合” 1.2 Requirements: 消防工作要求做到的两知三会: Be knowledgeable in prevention and protection. When a fire happens, all associates should be able to use fire alarm, control incipient fire hazards and assist in evacuation. 两知是指知防火知识和灭火知识。三会是指在发生火灾时 会报火警,会扑救初起火灾,会协助救援。 1. Basic knowledge and background information 消防基础概念和基础知识 1.3 Extinguishment methods 灭火的方法 Extinguishment means eliminating all conditions required by combustion, terminating the oxidation process. 灭火就是破坏燃烧条件,使氧化反应终止的过程。 Cooling: reduce the temperature of combustible materials below to the flash point. 冷却法:可以使可燃物的温度降低到燃点以下,从而使燃烧停止。 1. Basic knowledge and background information 消防基础概念和基础知识 Isolation: isolate combustible materials from the initial source. 隔离法:将燃烧物与附近可燃物隔离或疏散开,从而使燃烧停止。 Suffocation: apply proper methods to prevent air from going into the combustible area. 窒息法:采取适当措施,防止空气进入燃烧区,使燃烧物质因缺乏或断绝氧气而熄灭。 Fire extinguishers : release the fire extinguishing agent to diminish the fire by termination the chain reaction. 化学抑制法:将化学灭火剂喷入燃烧区,使之破坏燃烧链式反应,从而使燃烧停止。 1. Basic knowledge and background information 消防基础概念和基础知识 1.4 How to use a fire extinguisher 灭火器使用方法 Pull out the pin. 拔下灭火器的保险鞘 Stand at the upwind position, two to three meters away from the fire. 距火2-3米处,站在上风方向. Aim at the base of the fire. 对准火焰根部 Sweep from side to side and move the fire extinguisher back to forth. (Do not hold the fire extinguisher horizontally or up side down) 自近而远喷射扑救(灭火器不要横卧或颠倒使用) Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火灾的特点、起因及预防 2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火灾的特点、起因及预防 2.1



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