20151112 确定版 期末口语考试形式及话题.docx

20151112 确定版 期末口语考试形式及话题.docx

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20151112 确定版 期末口语考试形式及话题

2015秋季学期期末口语考试形式及话题考官安排:各任课老师负责主考自己的班级,不配备另一名考官,班级之间也不交叉施考。考试时间、地点:第18周(2015年12月28日-2016年1月1日)各班随堂考。请确保候考学生在走廊或者教学大楼大厅安静。考前准备:第10-11周给出15个话题(分别来自听说教程第1册和第3册以及综合教程第3册),供学生练习和准备。考试形式:口语考试试题从该15个话题中抽取。考试时以小组为单位(2人一组),随机抽取一个话题(请各任课老师事先做好备选条);先由组员就所抽话题分别陈述自己的观点(每人1分钟),然后进行讨论(2-3分钟),每组考试时间不多于5分钟。评分标准:口语考试满分10分。其中语音语调(pronunciation and intonation)2分、语言流利度 (fluency) 2分、正确使用语言表达思想的能力 (expressiveness) 4分、创新点 (innovation) 2分。请各位考官按照以上标准客观评分。15个话题如下:With the advancement of modern technology, the whole world can be your classroom. How can you use such modern technologies as the Internet, the mobile phone, etc. for language learning or the study of any other subjects?1.According to a report, there are more than 300 million Chinese studying English,more than the total populations of the United States. However, the Chinese should try hard to improve the overall standard of English.Here are the common approaches to improve English learning.The technological advances of the last few years have been amazing. Never before have students had such a wide variety of resources to help them in their studies. Those who can take advantage of these resources have the opportunity to learn about more subjects and to acquire more in-depth knowledge. In my opinion, students can indeed learn more and learn more quickly with the help of modern technology.2.The piece of technology most important as a learning tool must be the computer. Paired with the Internet, it allows students to research topics more quickly and thoroughly and to write up their findings more rapidly as well. Furthermore, advances in many fields are being made so fast these days that it is impossible four textbooks to keep up. Technology allows students to keep abreast of the latest developments. Also, it cannot be denied that many students enjoy using such resources in their studies. Because of this, they are more likely to pursue subjects in greater depth. For all these reasons, I believe that technology is of great benefit to to


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