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南开区2015-2016学年度第一学期 九年级英语练习 第I卷(60分) 二、单选填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 21. ——Tim,Im going to attend_____exibition this afternoon.Would you like to come with me? ——Sure,I’d like to .What kind of_____exibition is it? A.a;the B.an;不填 C.the;an D.不填;a 22.The story of Feng Molin, a_____boy from Shananxi Province, moved(感动) a lot of people. A.13-years old B.13-year-old C.13-years-old D.13 years old 23. ——Did Lucy win first place in the maths competition? ——Yeah,Nobody knew the answer_____the last question except her. A.in B.with C.to D.for 24.Tony has read lots of the stories by American writers.Now he would like to read_____stories by writers from_____countries. A.any,some B.some,any C.other,some D.some,other 25.Doctors tried their best to keep the wounded soldier_____. A.alive B.honest C.angry D.well-known 26.To be a polite person,you should_____the people around you before you act. A.consider B.punish C.control D.invite 27.棗This is the eighth floor.You should go _____. A.out B.upstairs C.forward D.downstairs 28. _____he hit the car,he was riding his bicycle. A.When B.After C.Though D.As soon as 29.棗Tina,don’t touch the model.It’s against the_____.Look at the sign. 棗Oh,sorry.I won ’t do it again. A.deal B.rule C.opinion D.truth 30.Today Mark Twain’s works_____by people all over the world. A.read and love B.will read and love C.read and loved. D.are read and loved 31.棗Peter says Red Rock Cranyon is a great place for rocking climbing. 棗Heof’s right.I_____there twice. A.was going B.go C.have been D.have gone 32.Entry to the Water Park is free,so you can go into it without_____. A.paying B.speaking C.shouting D.knocking 33.Toby is such a rude boy. _____nobody likes him. A.That’s because B.I’m not sure C.No wonder D.I can hardly believe 34.Little Jimmy_____the first picture with the second one so carefully that he could find some differences. A.filled B.mixed C.he


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