文化对教育的负面影响(negative influence of cultural on education).docx

文化对教育的负面影响(negative influence of cultural on education).docx

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文化对教育的负面影响(negative influence of cultural on education)

According to Tylor (1974), ‘culture that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.’ And culture could be connected to different collectives, although it is a collective phenomenon (Hofestede, 2011, p.3). Therefore, Culture surely influenced each aspect of human society especially education. Various cultures lead to different behavior of students in every country. For instance, in some polychromic culture area such as China, students typically have procrastination and tend to do many things at once. On the other hand, in some monochromic culture area such as UK, students tend to concentrate on their work and do one thing. In addition, students’ behavior is precisely reflect how cultural significantly influence education. For example, students forced to learn by rote in some high hierarchy and large power distance country like China. In contrast, students would be taught in accordance of their aptitude in UK due to the combination of individualism and low power distance. As a consequence, negative influence of culture on education can be observed in the ways in which Chinese students study at an international university, which is illustrated in relation to challenges of time management and their behavior in discovery learning.The primarily example of the critical influence culture has on education can be observed in that Chinese students prepare for class in discovery learning during study at an international university. The evidence suggests that discovery learning is a common learning style widely used in international universities. According to (Mayer, 2004) ‘Discovery learning is a technique of inquiry-based learning and is considered a constructivist based approach to education’. Discovery learning demands reading widely beyond text book before class. According to Hall and Hall (1990), in polychronic culture area, such as china, students tend to do many th


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