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摘 要 “震惊损害”(Nervous Shock)的概念源于英国法中,之后英美法借鉴了该制度 作为一种独立的侵权损害赔偿请求权。 于英国法,随着时间的推移,逐渐被英美法系的很多国家借鉴使用。“震惊损害”赔 偿制度一直是侵权责任法中颇具争议的话题,因为“震惊损害”赔偿制度有可能会 引起滥诉、假诉的情况,所以我国一直没有建立该制度,但随着社会的不断发展进 步人们的权益意识在不断提高,对于法律的期待已经不只是停留在对于物质权利的 救济层面,同时对精神利益的保护也存在期望,所以有关要求精神损害赔偿的案件 一直在上演,笔者认为震惊损害赔偿制度的某些方面对于中国精神赔偿制度的补充 和完善有着不可忽视的作用。震惊损害制度不仅适用于直接受害人,在特定条件下 也适用于间接受害人,这也是这个制度的一个亮点。经过长期的理论发展和大量司 法实践的案例,英美法上的震惊损害制度进过不断完善已经有了长远的发展形成体 系。本文中主要采用文献研究法,通过对英美法系上“震惊损害”赔偿制度的学习、 研究和探索,对比典型英美法国家关于震惊损害赔偿的不同制度设计,发现了在英 美法系国家法律中有许多的优秀制度设计经验,如震惊损害中被告对直接受害者和 间接受害者的不同注意义务,合理规范请求权主体范围,细致确定多种机制规避可 能出现的滥诉及假诉等问题,常见的机制有可预见规则、危险区域规则、控制机制 规则等,另外在司法实践中设置了易于操作的具体赔偿量化标准及方法。通过对各 国震惊损害制度司法经验思考,带给我国的借鉴和启示,对于如何设计一个具有科 学性和现实可行性的机制来建立和完善我国的“震惊损害”赔偿制度提出自己的观 点和见解。 关键词:震惊损害 纯粹精神损害赔偿 控制机制 惩罚性赔偿II Abstract Nervous Shock is an independent claims of tort damages, which originated in English law for a long time. Gradually many Anglo-American legal systems countries learn to use the nervous shock damage compensation system, but there is a debate never stopped which nervous shock damage compensation system may lead to excessive litigation and false complaints. Chinese legal system have not used it, but as development of society continues and progress of peoples awareness of their rights is not just limited to the relief of material power, and to ask the protection of the spiritual interests of the relevant requirements of the cases of compensation for moral damage, I believe that some aspects of nervous shock are supplement and perfect for the spirit of the compensation system of China. Nervous shock system is not only suitable for the direct victims, under certain conditions also apply to indirect victims, which is a highlight of this system. After the long-term theoretical development, and a large number of cases of judicial practice, Nervous shock in the common law system has been improved to a system. This article mainly uses literature study method to research and exploration nervous shock compensation system. There is much excellent experi


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