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1x04 - Zoes and Zeldas And he says he says, Why the long face? And I say, Hey, buddy, I cant help it. You get that? Long face.Horses have long faces.I am a horse, my face is long.You get it, right? Good, good.What about the Rock Hudson stuff? Felt like that flew over your heads.Did you get that? Keep this up, and the only thing were gonna get is our money back! Okay, okay, it wasnt that funny.Maybe you didnt get it.Uh, hey, guys, guys - Hey, let me buy you a drink.- Get cancer, jerk wad.Youve got some good material, you really do.The Gorbachev stuff, its killer.But you gotta stop asking people if they get things.- But then who do I know if they got it? - Theyll laugh.Why are you giving me advice? Look, Ive been doing stand-up for a year now, and its the responsibility of big shots like me to always be looking out for the little guy.- Let me buy you a drink.- Oh, I dont drink.- BoJack Horseman.- Herb Kazazz.Oh, God! Goddamn it, Todd, clean up your shit.What am I supposed to do, okay? You dont give me any closet space.Not my problem.A better man than you once said, and I quote, Its the responsibility of little guys like you to be looking out for big shots like me. Who said that? I dont know, Jesus, Ghandi, Malcolm-Jamal Warner.Clean up your shit! Oh! Gloria Steinem, one of the leading lights of modern feminism.You will surely go down in the annals of history just as surely as Lisa Lampanelli will go down in the locker room of the Houston Rockets.Hey, BoJack, settle a bet.- Are you a Zoe or a Zelda? - Dont know what that means.Well, I was talking to Wayne.- Whos Wayne? - Im Wayne.Waynes writing an article about me for BuzzFeed.BuzzFeed? Whatll they think of next? Fun fact: Wayne is also my ex-boyfriend.Youre funny.Pretty cool, eh, BoJack? Dianes writing a book about you, Waynes writing an article about me.Were the same! How could you think that thats the same? My book will be in libraries for hundreds of years.Your BuzzFeed article will be crammed between an animated G


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