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本科课程《教学大纲》 1、课程基本信息 课程名称(中、英文):西方微观经济学(双语) Microeconomics 课程号(代码)课程类别:专业基础课 学时:51 学分:3 2, Course Description: This course provides students with basic concepts and techniques needed to analyze economic problems in a variety of contexts. Students will study how various economic agents make their choices and decisions in a market environment, and the implications of those choices and decisions for the allocation of productive resources. This course is divided into four parts: Theory of the Consumer, Theory of the Firm, Theory of Markets, and a Brief Introduction to General Equilibrium Theory. After successful completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate command of basic and intermediate microeconomic concepts and graphical models, and apply them to new situations. 3, Course Outline PART ONE: BASIC CONCEPTS (15 Courses) Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Economics Fundamental Concepts: scarcity and efficiency, free goods vs. economic goods, macroeconomics and microeconomics, normative vs. positive economics, opportunity cost Key Problems of Economic Organization:what, how, and for whom Production-possibility frontier (PPF) Chapter 2: Markets and Government in a Modern Economy 1. Define demand/supply in a market using words, tables, and diagrams. 2. Illustrate the shifts in demand caused by changes in factors other than price that influence a consumer’s willingness to purchase. 3. Explain the difference between changes in demand/supply and changes in quantity demanded/supplied. 4. Illustrate the shifts in supply caused by changes in factors other than price that influence a firm’s willingness to produce and sell. 5. Use the concepts of shortages and surpluses to illustrate the natural tendency of a market to move toward equilibrium. 6. Show the effects of shifts in supply or demand using diagrams. Chapter 3: Basic Elements of Supply and Demand Elasticity Concepts : price elasticity of demand, supply elastic, inela


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