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Tradition and Modernization (I) Many people pose tradition and modernization as diametrically opposite. For instance, as Beijing increasingly becomes a modern international metropolis, its traditional legacies, architecture and social mores among many other things, are shrinking at an alarming speed. However, more often than not, tradition and modernization are wholly compatible and may even be mutually enriching. The modernization process only serves to highlight the indispensable value of tradition. Future-oriented as it is, modernization cannot be cut away from the past. Man is an emotional animal whose emotional attachment to the past defines the meaning of his existence in the present and the future. Although many urban planners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their cities look modern, true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture. This is because demolishing traditional architecture would render modern people rootless and disoriented. Without the past serving as a framework of reference, we would not know where we are heading for. Being traditional does not mean being old-fashioned or outmoded. Many traditional values are of permanent significance and should be observed in the modern and post-modern eras. Chinese traditional ethics like benevolence and moral integrity should go beyond time and space to serve as universal values. As we strive to modernize our world, we should update and enrich our traditions instead of discarding them altogether. Otherwise, we are being irresponsible to ourselves or to our future generations. It is true modernization is an irresistible global trend taking place with increasing momentum. However, the best pattern of modernization is the one taking full account of the historical past. Modernization should not be equated with breaking up with the past but rather an extension and incorporation of the past. Accordingly, human civilization retains its cont


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