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中国商学院毕业论文(设计) PAGE PAGE II 毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 欧凯龙家具连锁企业的竞争战略研究 系部名称: 经济系 专业班级: 工商班 学生姓名: 学 号: 200178227 指导教师: 范文捷 教师职称: 副教授 201 摘 要 随着中国加入世贸组织,经济全球化浪潮的袭来,几乎所有的公司都在进行着战略变革以适应当前的环境。竞争战略是一个企业创立、成长、发展壮大的基石与源泉。目前,国内从事家具连锁规模较大的企业有红星美凯龙和居然之家等。在“南红星”、“北居然”的夹击下,作为河南本土家具连锁企业欧凯龙如何突围,获取较大的市场份额,战略定位便显得异常关键。欧凯龙家具连锁集团深耕河南十四年,其市场影响力与行业地位归根于它的准确的竞争战略。 本文主要运用客观理论研究法和SWOT分析法,通过欧凯龙家具连锁集团与国内同类家具连锁企业竞争战略的对比研究,总结了欧凯龙的竞争优势、劣势及所面对的机会与威胁,分析出她能够在家具行业生存并发展壮大的原因及在面对寡头垄断的情况下逆势突围的奥秘,提出了新形势下家具连锁企业发展的对策与建议。目前家具连锁企业业态上向Shopping Mall转变,欧凯龙目前的改革方向,便是其与商业地产的融合。这一改变的背后,事实上,是试图将欧凯龙的产业链向上延伸,打通商场地产和物业链条。 关键词: 竞争战略,家具连锁企业,SWOT分析 Oukai long chain of furniture of the competitive strategy Abstract Creation of competitive strategy is a business, growth, development and growth of the foundation and source. At present, the furniture chain of larger companies are actually home Macalline and so on. In the South Star, North actually, the attack, as the local furniture chain Oukai Henan how long break, to get a larger market share, strategic position it was extremely critical. Long Furniture chain Oukai Henan fourteen years cultivating its market influence and position in the industry attributed to its competitive strategies accurate. In this paper, the objective theory method and the use of SWOT analysis, through the furniture chain Oukai Dragon and the domestic like furniture chain Comparative study of competitive strategy, summed up the dragons competitive Oukai strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats facing. Analyzed in the furniture industry, she was able to survive and grow in the face of reason and the case of oligopoly contrarian break the mystery of the new situation made the development of furniture chain strategies and suggestions. Format the current chain of furniture to the Shopping Mall on the change in the direction of the current reform Oukai dragon is the integration of its commercial real estate. Behind this change, in fact, is


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