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经济学专业术语 the nature of the firm Price mechanism 价格机制 Transaction costs 交易成本 Entrepreneur 企业家 Exchange transaction 交换交易 Sales tax 销售税 monopoly gain 垄断收益 factors of production 生产要素 diminishing returns of management 管理收益递减 market transaction 市场交易 marketing cost 营销成本 spatial distribution 空间分布 combination 合并(when transactions which were previous organized by two or more entrepreneurs become organized by one) integration 一体化 (when it involves the organization of transactions which were previously carried out between the entrepreneurs on a market)(p.45) (a firm can expand in either or both of these two ways.) specialized exchange economy 专业化交换经济 the division of labour 劳动分工 specialization 专业化 uncertainty 不确定性 collusion 勾结 forecasting 预测,预期 relative price 相对价格 economic system 经济体制,经济制度 perfect competition 完全竞争 imperfect competition 不完全竞争 marginal cost 边际成本 dynamic factors 动态因素 a theory of moving equilibrium 移动均衡理论,动态均衡理论 marginal product of entrepreneur 企业家的边际产品 The Role of Monetary Policy monetary policy 货币政策 The Great Contraction 大收缩 liquidity preference 流动偏好 depression 萧条 fiscal policy 财政政策 rigidity of wages 工资刚性 deflation policy 通货紧缩政策 monetary authority 货币当局 Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统 aggregate demand 总需求 fine tuning 微调 prompt adjustment 即刻调整 government bonds 政府债券 pioneering capital 创业资本 full employment 充分就业 money market 货币市场 speculation 投机 interest rate 利息率 unemployment 失业 financial community 金融集团 the quantity of money 货币数量 liquidity preferences schedule 流动性偏好图 demand for loans 贷款需求 cyclical adjustment process 周期性调节过程 price expectation effect 价格预期效应 nominal interest rate 名义利率 real interest rate 实际利率


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