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首段: As is vividly(humorously) demonstrated(portrayed\revealed) in the drawing(photo\picture\cartoon) above, (如同上面的图画生动的显示的一样) ,(a girl boy men /two/some/people are /MZ is ) which is most thought-provoking. (这样的事情非常的发人深思)Phenomenon of the kind in not uncommon around us(这种现象非常的常见。)what is frightening scene it is(这是一幅多么可怕的场景啊).What a typical and thought-provoking scone it is (这是一幅多么经典且发人深思的场景啊),what is conveyed in the drawing is both instructive and meaningful and discussing.(本图形所传达的信息既有教育意义又耐人寻味并值得讨论。) 中间段落: The intention of the painter can be briefly analyzed in terms of attitude, objectivity and integrity(本图作者的目的可以从态度、客观和诚实方面进行简单的分析。). To begin with(首先),it is necessary for us to “警示语”(什么是必要的),Since our aim to sum up is to improve our work and study(因为总结的目的是为了改进我们的工作和学习,it is imperative that we possess adequate courage to admit the reality and face our defects(所以,我们必须拥有足够的勇气去承认现实且面对缺陷).Otherwise ,our summing-up efforts are futile(否则,我们总结是无益的。).: What,s more, it should be recognized that “To err is human” 此外,我们应该认识到“人非圣贤,孰能无过”As social being, we have both merits and shortcomings(作为社会中人,我们既有缺点又有优点).It is inevitable for us to make mistakes now and then(有时,我们犯错是不可避免的). However , making mistakes is not horrible(但是,犯错误并不可怕).To sum up our defects and modestly accept others criticism is most critical to our self—development because by doing so we can avoid making the same mistake in the future(总结我们的不足并谦虚地接受比尔的批评对我们的自我发展是非常重要的,因为这样做我们可以避免在未来犯同样的错误).In short(总之),the right attitude and courage to face our defects and modest acceptance of others criticism can benefit our li 结束语:To solve this problem(为了解决上述问题),As to as i am concerned(我认为), taken to get rid of the phen omenon of irresponsibility(一定采取具体和有效的措施来消除不负责的现象).On the one hand,laws and regulations must be established to stop the existing irresponsibility(一定要确立法律来制止现存的不负责;).On the outher hand,the importance重要性of responsibility责任感 should be widely spread to make every citizen honor(重视) the sense of responsibility(应广泛传播负责任的重


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