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第二讲:Subject area 2 money Part 1 Words and phrases Nouns: Currency 货币 pocket money 零花钱 cash 现金 cashier 收银台(员) credit card 信用卡 debit card储蓄卡 deposit 定金balance 余额 interest 利息 communication 沟通 breadwinner 养家糊口的人 wealth 财富 millionaire 百万富翁 criminal 罪犯 corruption 腐败 tuition 学费 transportation 交通 health care 保健 enconomic crisis 经济危机 salary 薪水 economy 经济 investment 投资 miser 守财奴 household items 家居用品 inflation物价上涨 shopping frenzy 购物狂 consumer 消费者 Adjectives: Affordable 支付得起 illegal 非法的 tempting 诱人的 generous 慷慨的 mean 小气的 reasonable 合理的 valuable 有价值的 priceless 无价的 omnipotent 万能的 thrifty 节约的 greedy 贪婪的 luxurious 奢侈的 Verbs and verbal phrases: Withdraw 取钱 save money 省钱 donate (正式)捐款 chip in (非正式)捐款 overdraw 透支 consume 消费 to bribe 贿赂 envy 羡慕 afford 支付 commit a crime 犯罪 cut one’s budget 节约预算 go bankrupt/broke 破产 take something for granted 认为..理所当然 complain 投诉 gamble 赌博 rob 抢劫 steal 偷窃 deceive 诈骗 Part 2 Useful sentences We are supposed to spend money in a planned way. Money serves a number of functions. We’d better make every penny count. 钱应使在得当的地方 Money shouldn’t be considered to be the most important thing in the world. Part 3 Credit card A credit card is a small plastic card which you can use to pay for the goods and services you buy. Remember, you should pay the money back to the bank on time, otherwise ,the bank will charge you instrest. A credit card or an ATM (Automatic Teller Maching) card is easy and convenient payment method at home and abroad. It can be used to pay for weekly shopping , a train or plane ticket , and restaurant bills , Having a credit card or and ATM card is easier and safer than carring a large amount fo cash. However , you still need cash and it’s annoying to run out of it, especially when the bank is closed . If you have international credit cards like VISA or MasterCard, they’re accepted almost anywhere . Overseas, you can even use international credit cards to withdraw money from ATM machines in the loca


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