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文学导论 Chapter one 1:the form of literature Literature: it is the art that uses a language as a medium. It has four genres: novels, short stories, plays, and poems. Chapter two 2. novel By etymology(词源) By distinction by analysis and synthesis(综合) 3. kinds of novel A: By-length Full-length novel: it is indicate full development, which is at least 50,000 words. Short novel: mainly refers to a narrative midway between a short story and a novel. Trilogy: it is a group of three novels in a sequence.eg. Theodore Dreiser’s three novels about a businessman Frank Cowperwood are called the “trilogy of desire” ( the financier, the titan, the stoic). Tetralogy: a squence of four novels is usually called s tetralogy. Eg.ford Maddox ford’s “Parade’s end” (Some Do Not, No more Parades, A man Could Stand up, and the last post) B: by subject matter picaresque novel(流浪汉小说) Gothic novel bildungsroman(劝导性小说) kunstlerroman(成长型小说) psychological sociological novel proletariat novel novel of soil romance C. by technique Epistolary novel The novel of ideas Roman a Clef The new novel Nonfictional novel The historical novel 4. elements of the novel Story, plot, theme, setting what is story story is the basis of the novel, and indeed the basis of narrative works of all kinds. character : heros, main characters, minor characters and foils. The character on whom a novel centers is called the hero or heroine. The main or major characters are those in close and dynamic relation with the hero. Minor characters are those in remote relation with the hero. Foil character are ones that help enhance the intensity of the hero by the strength-ending or contrasting. They may be main character or minor character. By degree of their development, characters can be grouped as round character and flat character. Round characters are fully developed while flat characters do not. Plot. A plot is a particular arrangement of happening in a novel that is aimed at revealing their causa


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