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List of Prefixes: A-D PREFIX MEANING EXAMPLES a-, an- not, without anesthetic, atheist ab- away, from abject, abscess ad-, a-, ac-, as- to, toward access, admit, assist ante before antecedent, anterior anti- against antibiotics, antioxidant auto- self autoimmune, autonomous ben- good benefit, benign bi- two, both bifocals, bipolar circum- around circumference, circumscribe co-, com-, con- with companion, concurrent contra-, counter- against contradict, counteract de- not, from, down degenerate, depress di-, dis- lack of, not, apart disadvantage, displacement Prefixes E-M eu- good, normal eugenics, eulogy ex- out (of), former expose, extract exo-, ecto-, extra-, extro- outside exoskeleton, extraordinary fore- before foresee, foreshadow hemi- half hemisphere hyper above, excessive hyperactive, hypertension hypo- under, insufficient hypodermic, hypothetical il-, im-, in-, ir- into, not, against illegitimate, inadequate inter- among. between interpose, intervene intra- within intramural, intravenous macro- large macrobiotic, macrocosm mal- bad malfunction, malignant micro- small microbe, microscope mis- wrong misfortune, mistake mono- one monolingual, monopoly multi- many multiple, multitask Prefixes: N-U non- not, lacking nonfat, nonsense ob-,o-, oc-, op- against, over, completely object, occur, omit, oppose omni- all omnipotent, omnivorous peri- around peripheral, periscope poly- many polygamous, polygon post- after postgraduate, postpone pre- before precede, predict, prevent pro- forward progress, promotion quad- four quadriplegic, quadrangle re- again, back reform, retain, regenerate semi- half, partially semiannual, semiconscious sub- under submarine, subtropical super-, supra- above, excessive superlative, suprarenal sym-, syn- with, together sympathy, synthetic trans- across, through Transform, transportation tri- three tricycle, triple ultra- beyond. excessive ultraliberal, ultrasonic un- not un


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