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1.fluctuate A) The holder who makes signature at the back of the financial documents and transfers the right to the subsequent person. 2. liquidate B) A banking association which accepts customer deposits and funds mortgages. 3.passbook C) annual percentage yield 4.withdrawal D) A loan to finance the purchase of real estate,uaually with specified payment periods and interest rates. 5.endorser E) move up and down 6. return F) the book issued by a bank to record deposits、withdrawers and interest earned in a saving account 7.APY G) The annual return on an investment,expressed as a percentage of the total amount invested. 8.depreciate H) pay or settle 9.savings bank I) to lose value gradually over a period of time 10.mortgage J) removal of funds from an account 储蓄账户、营业时间、定期存款、银行法规、商业银行、复利、实际利率、对账单、银行对账、基准利率、不动产、首期付款、动产抵押、贷款委员会、法律地位、分期付款、以旧换新折价、联合账户、未付支票、年营业额、 annual turnover_____________________ savings acconunt_____________________ offfice hour_____________________ outstanding check_____________________ term deposit_____________________ banking regulation_____________________ commercial bank_____________________ effective interest rate_____________________ componding interest_____________________ account statement_____________________ base rate_____________________ joint account_____________________ down payment_____________________ real estate_____________________ chattel mortgage_____________________ loan committee_____________________ legal standing_____________________ trade in_____________________ bank reconciliation_____________________ partial payment_____________________ SWIFT is ( ). in the United States a kind of communications belonging to TT system for interbank’s fund transfer an institution of the United Nations a governmental organization Mail transfers are sent to the correspondent bank ( ),unless otherwise instructed by clients. by courier service by ordinary mail by airmail by seamail Large payments should be made by (


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