TAKAGISM 密室逃脱.ppt

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TAKAGISM 密室逃脱 Visual Gaming Brief introducion ending ---- Doing is better than saying * * CONCLUSION PPT ---- This PPT just illustrates our efforts and ideas in brief. We don’t need a verbose PPT. 总结 这个PPT是用意简明扼要阐述我们的努力和想法.我们不需要冗长的PPT. What is TAKAGISM TAKAGISM is a riddle based on flash.In scenes you are trapped in a designated closed room.You have to find out all necessities and do some work to undo the mysteries to escape from the room. ----YAHOO 密室逃脱是一个基于动画的游戏。你将被困在指定的封闭房间里,必须找出所有必须的物品并且通过一点的技巧去破解其中的秘密来逃出这个密室。 ---- 雅虎 Staff组员 Johnsun Leung leader/script/programming Lanry Zhang spokeswoman/photographer/editing Linrulan editing/music How young editing/animation Daisy Guo editing Our feature innovation In this project, we want to realize the TAKAGISM game in the end.As a brand-new game of intelligence,most of TAKAGISMs are originated from Japan.We barely have found purely Chinese style TAKAGISM,which contains Chinese real style.Secondly,almost 95% of current TAKAGISMs are drawing by mouse,so we want to create one particularly different style which made of real photos. 在这个游戏项目里,我们希望最终能实现密室逃脱这个游戏(最终我们做到了)。作为一个全新的智力游戏,大部分的密室逃脱都是源于日本。在市面上基本上找不到纯粹中国风格的密室逃脱。其次,差不多95%的现行密室逃脱都是用电脑绘制的,我们希望可以制作一个密室逃脱是建立在真实场景的游戏,例如用相片作为素材。 Thesis论点 We believe that nowadays many people are under enormously high pressure or motion injure.They want to escape from existing condition sometimes between the interval of life.Playing online games are plainly the form of interaction between human and technology.Playing some escaped-theme game may help them relieve strains physically and psychologically.We hope this Chinese style TAKAGISM may give some sense of success to all players and a pleased mind. 我们认为,现今很多人都活在巨大的压力或感情伤害之下。在忙碌生活的间歇中不少时候他们会希望逃出这个现状。而玩游戏就正好明显是一种人机交互交流的过程。玩逃脱为主题的游戏容易帮助他们缓解身心上的紧张和疲劳;同时我们希望这种中国基调的密室逃脱游戏胜利后可以给到玩家一种成功感和喜悦的心情。 Sec


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