Unit Two The Dinner Party 一、学习目标 1 四、六级词汇和短语.doc

Unit Two The Dinner Party 一、学习目标 1 四、六级词汇和短语.doc

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Unit Two The Dinner Party 一、学习目标 1 四、六级词汇和短语

Unit Two The Dinner Party 一、学习目标 1. 四、六级词汇和短语 argument, bare, contract, crawl, crisis, emerge, faint, heated, host, image, impulse, likely, motion, outgrow, shortly, slam, slightly, tone, unexpected, widen, track down, be seated, spring up, at the sight of, feel like, come to, make for, ring out, light up 2. 结构与句式 3. 同义辨析 二、写作赏析 全文共有十三段。第一段为故事的引子。传奇故事的真实性往往难以追究,但是人们并不计较,民间对这种故事津津乐道的原因多在于其中蕴含了人们的美好企盼和有益的启示。第二段至第十三段为故事的正文主体,按地点、背景、人物和事件等要素的顺序展开故事的缘起(第三段)巧妙简单:男女可认为各自的性别优势而辩论,关键情节(第五、七、十段)曲折紧凑,如女主人与仆人的表情神态描写,博物学界对餐厅环境观察所得到的结论等,必要的悬念机关(第五、九段)得当自然,令结局(第十三段)出人意料之外又在情理之中:男人和女人,在危机面前谁更勇敢,这不是靠口头争论能界定或评价的问题。整个故事语言通俗易懂,情节紧张,使读者欲罢不能,非一口气读完不可。 三、课文学习 The following questions are designed to help students obtain a global understanding of the text: 1. Where and when did the story take place? 2. Who gave the dinner party and what guests are invited to it? 3. What was the subject of the discussion between the young girl and the major? 4. What did the American naturalist do when they were having the discussion? What kind of expression did he see come over the hostesss face? 5. What was it that the naturalist came to realize when he saw the native boy place a bowl of milk on the veranda? 6. Did he jump back and warn the others? What did he do instead, then? 7. What happened before he finished the counting? 8. How did the hostess know that the cobra was in the room? 参考答案 1. It took place in India when it was a British colony. 2. A colonial official and his wife gave the dinner party; officers and their wives, and a American naturalist were invited. 3. They had a heated discussion about how a woman react to a crisis. 4. He watched the other quests and saw a strange expression come over the hostesss face - she was staring straight ahead with her muscles contracting slightly. 5. He came to realize that there must be a cobra in the room. 6. No. Instead, he said that he wanted to know how well they could control themselves and asked them to sit still until he counted


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