western wedding西方婚礼介绍中英.ppt

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western wedding西方婚礼介绍中英

The Etiquette at wedding ceremony Lead-in exercises 婚誓 wedding ceremony 蜜月 bride 伴郎 bridegroom 牧师 officiator 新娘 pastor 结婚典礼 groomsman 婚宴 bridesmaid 伴娘 honeymoon 主婚人 wedding reception 新郎 vows Opening words of the officiant Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join ___________ and ___________ in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Officiator: groom , do you take bride to be your lawfully wedded wife? Groom: I do. Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish and honor her, through all your time in Dereth? Groom: I do. Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto her, to support her, to be her finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories? Groom: I do. Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows? Groom: The seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority]. THE BRIDE S VOWS Officiator: bride , do you take groom to be your lawfully wedded husband? Bride: I do. Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish, and honor him, through all your time in Dereth? Bride: I do. Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto him, to support him, to be his finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories? Bride: I do. Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows? Br


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