EDGAR DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE - Wikispaces:埃德加戴尔的经验之塔- wiki空间.ppt

EDGAR DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE - Wikispaces:埃德加戴尔的经验之塔- wiki空间.ppt

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EDGAR DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE - Wikispaces:埃德加戴尔的经验之塔- wiki空间

Years ago an educator named Edgar Dale (Educational Media, 1960), often cited as the father of modern media in education, developed from his experience in teaching and his observations of learners the cone of experience”. The cones utility in selecting instructional resources and activities is as practical today as when Dale created it. THE CONE 10% of what they read ? 20% of what they hear ? 30% of what they see ? 50% of what they hear and see - video ? 70% of what they say or write ? 90% of what they say as they do something Pie Graph on Senses and Perception 83% 11 % 3.5% 1.5% 1% Retention Rate Levels Reading Hearing Seeing Hearing Seeing Saying Hearing, Saying Doing The cone is based on the relationships of various educational experiences to reality (real life). The bottom level of the cone, direct purposeful experiences, represents reality or the closest things to real, everyday life. The opportunity for a learner to use a variety or several senses (sight, smell, hearing, touching, movement) is considered in the cone. Direct experience allows us to use all senses. As you move up the cone, fewer senses are involved at each level. The more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better the chance that many students can learn from it. Each level of the cone above its base moves a learner a step further away from real- life experiences, so experiences focusing only on the use of verbal symbols are the furthest removed from real life. Motion pictures (also television) is where it is on the cone because it is an observational experience with little or no opportunity to participate or use senses other than seeing and hearing. The experiences below this one provide opportunity for the learner to enter into the experience in more ways, using more senses. Contrived experiences are ones that are highly participatory and simulate real life situations or activities. Dramatized experiences are defined as experiences in which the learner


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