Johnson Controls Dictionary-分部门.ppt

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Johnson Controls Dictionary-分部门

Johnson Controls Dictionary-Organization Organization CBU Consumer Business Unit 家用产品业务单元 Organization COD Commercial Operation Dept. 商业运营部 Organization CPC China Purchasing Committee 中国区采购委员会 Organization GU Geographic Unit 地域单元 Organization NP Neighbourhood Partnership 邻里伙伴关系 Organization OASD Order Administration Shipping Department 定单管理及船务部 Organization PEC Project Engineering Centre 项目工程中心 Organization RCO Remote Co-ordination Office 遥距联络办事处 Organization TS Technical Support 技术支持 Organization TSD Technical Service Division 技术服务部 Organization * Johnson Controls Dictionary-Organization Organization WXJV Wuxi Joint Venture 无锡合资厂 Organization YIT YORK Industrial Thailand 约克泰国工厂 Organization YR YORK Refrigeration 约克冷冻部 Organization - Division * Johnson Controls Dictionary-Product Product AHU Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组 Product COP Coefficient of Performance 性能系数 Product Related CRS Central Residential System 家用中央空调系统 Product IAQ Indoor Air Quality 室内空气质量 Product IOM Installation, Operation Maintenance Manual 安装、操作和维护手册 Product Related ISN Integrated System Network 整合系统网络 Product / Technology LTC Large Tonnage Chiller 大冷量冷水机组 Product PRS Packaged Refrigeration System 整装式冷冻系统 Product RAB Rental Air Business 出租空调业务 Product - Division * Johnson Controls Dictionary-Product Product RFQ Request for Quotation 特别报价要求 Product Related RMD Remote Monitoring Diagnostic 远程监测 Product - Division SQ Special Quote 非标准报价 Product Related TM Time and Material 工时及材料 Product TP Transfer Price 出厂价 Product Related UPG Unitary Product Group 中小型商用及家用空调部门 Product - Division VSD Variable Speed Drive 变频驱动装置 Product / Technology * Johnson Controls Dictionary-System System CPS Customer Profile System 客户机组管理系统 System ITS Ice Thermal Storage System 冰蓄冷系统 System JDS Job Data Sheet 定单项目数据系统 System PAS-C Package Automation Solution Chiller 冷冻机房群控系统 System PTS Project Tracking System 项目追踪系统 System VPF Variable Primary Flowing System 一次泵变流量系统 System * Johnson Controls Dictionary-Serv


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