万圣节和中元节 -英文版样本.ppt

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万圣节和中元节 -英文版样本

Differences Similarities Origin(起源) Custom(习俗) The Origin Of Ghost Festival For the Ghost Festival every year lunar calendar in July 15(农历7月15),its origins,there are a lot of stories,the most inportant is the Buddha(佛说) and tao say(道说). Buddhist scriptures ‘tripitaka’(大藏经) recorded in the eyes lotus(目莲) in Buddha’s help to save the mother’s story,in order to commemorate the eyes lotus,praised him for his filial piety(孝道).Buddhism will in July 15 as the Bon(盂兰盆节 )Festival and the ghost festval,but the Taoism believes the lunar canlendar seven month together,hell (阴间)open the ghost gate,for from the spirits of human interference (干扰)damage,in July 15 is ‘middle Purdue’offered unclaimed soul.(无主孤魂) The Origin Of Halloween As the Ghost Festival,the origin of Halloween also complicated(复杂的) and confusing,saying many. Every November is the western traditional Halloween.Legend November 1st is ancient Europe’s New Year’s Day,people believe that in the New Year’s Eve,when the dead will visit Earth,so people let young people dress in to avoid disaster reduction difficult.then, this day will become a Halloween. The Custom Of Ghost Festival There are many ghost festival customs.People burn paper money(纸钱),people chanting(念经) for the dead spirits,but most notably Fang He Deng,also called lotus lamps(荷花灯),lanterns on rivers and lakes,let it drift.And the legendary(传说),Deng can lead revenants(亡魂),Purdue(普度) water ghosts and other wild ghost. In the ghost festival night,in many places the river, a lamp lit lanterns,free floating,carrying people to the blessing(祝愿) and mercy(怜悯),float to the kingdom of heaven. The Custom Of Halloween Said to Halloween,people will naturally think of pumpkin lamp(南瓜灯),odd loading strange clothing(奇装异服) and ‘strick or treat’game.In fact,most western countries are not on Halloween holiday,so Halloween activity mainly in the evening.There are also some school will hold a Halloween costume p


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