捷联系统计算单元Strapdown System Computational Elements.pdf

捷联系统计算单元Strapdown System Computational Elements.pdf

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Strapdown System Computational Elements Paul G. Savage Strapdown Associates, Inc. Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 USA ABSTRACT This paper provides an overview of the primary strapdown inertial system computational elements and their interrelationship. Using an aircraft type strapdown inertial navigation system as a representative example, the paper provides differential equations for attitude, velocity, position determination, associated integral solution functions, and representative algorithms for system computer implementation. For the inertial sensor errors, angular rate sensor and accelerometer analytical models are presented including associated compensation algorithms for correction in the system computer. Sensor compensation techniques are discussed for coning, sculling, scrolling computation algorithms and for accelerometer output adjustment for physical size effect separation and anisoinertia error. Navigation error parameters are described and related to errors in the system computed attitude, velocity, position solutions. Differential equations for the navigation error parameters are presented showing error parameter propagation in response to residual inertial sensor errors (following sensor compensation) and to errors in the gravity model used in the system computer. COORDINATE FRAMES As used in this paper, a coordinate frame is an analytical abstraction defined by three mutually perpendicular unit vectors. A coordinate frame can be visualized as a set of three perpendicular lines (axes) passing through a common point (origin) with the unit vectors emanating from the origin along the axes. In this paper, the physical position of each coordinate frame’s origin is arbitrary. The principal coordinate f



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