汽车车辆安全行驶速度智能控制系统的设计和实现(Design and implementation of intelligent control system for automotive vehicle safety speed).docx

汽车车辆安全行驶速度智能控制系统的设计和实现(Design and implementation of intelligent control system for automotive vehicle safety speed).docx

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汽车车辆安全行驶速度智能控制系统的设计和实现摘要:汽车车辆的安全行驶关系着整个交通业的可持续发展。在汽车行驶过程中,车速过快是造成事故发生的主要因素。在高速公路上行驶时,存在由于对行车视距判断不准确而导致的交通事故。如果能够对车辆行驶的安全速度进行智能化的检测,并且根据检测结果对车速进行实时控制,则能够极大的提高汽车车辆的安全系数,减少事故发生。传统的安全限速只是基于高速公路的道路设计速度,不能根据不同天气条件对车辆安全行驶速度做出实时性的智能判断。本文基于不同天气条件下车辆行驶路段的能见度,对车辆的安全行驶速度进行自动检测和计算,并通过总线技术将结果传至车辆控制中心,与汽车实时速度进行比较,然后根据判断结果提示驾驶员车辆的安全状态,如果提示没有引起注意,就自动的控制汽车的油路,达到对车辆的安全行驶进行智能控制。关键字: 安全行驶速度;行车视距;智能控制Design and implementation of intelligent control system for automotive vehicle safety speedAbstract: Safe driving of motor vehicles related to the sustainable development of the whole transport industry. The excessive speed is the major factor of traffic accidents. On the highway, there is a result of traffic accidents due to inaccurate judgment on the sight distance. If we can intellectively detect the safety speed of the vehicle, control the speed of vehicle real-time based on the results, this can greatly improve the automotive vehicle safety and reduce the accident. The traditional safe speed limit is only based on road design speed of highway, not the speed under different weather conditions and it result to cannot make real-time intelligent judgment. This paper is based on visibility of present traffic sections under different weather conditions, automatically detect and calculate the vehicle’s safe speed. Transmit the results to the vehicle control center via bus technology, and compare to the real-time speed of the car, and then prompt the driver base on the results the security status of the vehicle. If the prompt does not attract attention, the system will automatically control of the car's oil supply. Lastly, this can get the purpose of intelligently control the safe driving of the vehicle.Key word: safe driving speed; sight distance; intelligent control目 录第一章 绪 论11.1 道路交通安全现状11.2 安全行驶及其影响因素21.2.1 安全行驶速度的定义21.2.2 影响安全行驶的主要因素21.3 本文研究的主要内容3第二章 安全行驶速度智能控制系统总体设计52.1 功能概述52.1.1 下位机系统功能52.1.2 上位机系统功能52.2 下位机系统总体设计62.3 上位机系统总体设计72.4 本章小结8第三章 硬件电路设计93.1 主要器件93.1.1 带有SPI接口的独立CAN总线控制器MC


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