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2014 4 81 考古与文物 年第 期 唐郭子仪侄郭睇墓志及其关联问题 王雪玲 ( , 7 10062) 陕西师范大学历史文化学院 陕西 西安市 : 关键词 郭子仪 郭睇 墓志 宅第 族茔 : 、 , 《 》 , , 《 · 摘要 郭睇系郭幼冲子 郭子仪侄 本文以 郭睇墓志 为主 结合业已出土的郭子仪家族墓志 首先对 新唐书 宰 》 , 、 相世系表 所载郭氏家族世系进行补阙正谬 其次就郭氏家族宅第 族茔及墓志撰书人与志主的关系等问题进行深入 , 、 、 , 探讨 认为唐代郭子仪家族具有生前析户异居 卒后聚族而葬 多由亲属撰书墓志等特征 此墓志对于研究唐代郭子仪 家族及相关问题都有重要价值。 KEY WORDS :Guo Ziyi Guo Di Epigraph Mansion Family cemetery ABSTRACT :Based on the epigraph Guo Di ,who was the son of Guo Youchong and the nephew of Guo Ziyi ,and other epigraphs of Guo Ziyis family member ,this article attempts to identify errors in the records regarding the Guo familys genealogy in the New Book of Tang and to provide new commentaries for this piece of evidence. Besides ,the au- thors discuss the location of the mansion and cemetery of the Guo family as well as the authors of the epigraphs and their relationship with tomb occupants. According to the analysis ,the authors propose the Guo family structure bore several characteristics like splitting from the main family and living separately ,burying in the same cemetery after death ,epi- graphs written by relatives ,etc. Thus ,this epigraph is an important piece of evidence for the study of the Guo family and other related issues of the Tang Dynasty . 《 陕西师范大学博物馆新近入藏 唐故凤翔府 嘏撰 ( ) 》 , , , 郿县令太原郭府君 睇 墓志铭并序 拓本一帧 有唐良六百石太原郭公讳睇 虢叔开封 因 、 、 。 志主郭睇乃郭敬之孙 郭子仪侄 郭幼冲子 郭 。


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