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Official Rules for the 4 国际空中机器人大赛 International Aerial Robotics 官方规则 Competition MISSION 7 任务7 INTRODUCTION 简介 The primary purpose of the International Aerial 国际空中机器人大赛(IARC )的 Robotics Competition (IARC) has been to “move the 根本目标是通过设置具有挑战性的、 state-of-the-art in aerial robotics forward” through the 实用而有意义的比赛任务推进空中 creation of significant and useful mission challenges 机器人最先进技术的进步。这些任务 that are ‘impossible’ at the time they are proposed, with the idea that when the aerial robotic behaviors called 在提出时是几乎不可能实现的,而当 for in the mission are eventually demonstrated, the 其最终被空中机器人完成时,世界将 technology will have been advanced for the benefit of 受益于因此所得到的技术进步。 the world. 所以,IARC 不是一个 “观赏比 As such, the International Aerial Robotics Competition 赛”而更是一个“技术比赛”。大赛自 has not been a “spectator sport”, but rather a 创始,经历22 年,已经成功完成了 “technology sport.” Since its inception, over twenty 六次任务。每一次任务的完成都将空 two years has passed with six successful missions 中机器人某些先进技术的水平提到 having been accomplished. Each time a mission was 了新的高度。 accomplished, some aspect of the state-of-the-art in aerial robotics was advanced beyond that which had previously been demonstrated. 第一次任务时,空中机器人使用 了三合一GPS 载波天线/接收机,验 During Mission 1 , the ability to fully autonomously fly 证了全自主飞行能力和不依赖惯性 and navigate without inertial systems was demonstrated 系统导航能力以及两点物体搬运能 using a triad of carrier wave GPS antennas/receivers, as 力。第二次任务时,空中机器人使用 was the ability to pick up objects in one location and 差分 GPS 导航技术,验证了自主空 deposit them in



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